Chapter 2 - Boyfriends?

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The warm sun was shining through the window onto Zak, who was leaning back in his chair. He was smiling contentedly at the computer- as he had just finished recording a video that he was pretty happy with.  He glanced slightly towards the clock that was hanging above his door, it was slowly approaching 1pm. Maybe it was time to have lunch? He shut down the computer and went towards the kitchen and realized quite quickly that it was probably time to go grocery shopping.

Zak drove into town with his car and decided to stop at his favorite café along the way, it had been a while since he last visited, after all. He went in and sat down at his usual table, which was fortunately unoccupied - it was a small table in the corner of the cafeteria behind a half wall.

Zak leaned back in the soft chair and enjoyed the smell of coffee around him. A waitress carefully approached him and smiled kindly. It was a young girl with dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

"What would you like to order?" She asked with a bright smile.

"A cup of tea and a chocolate muffin, please" Zak replied. 

The girl nodded slightly and threw a flirtatious comment at Zak as she was writing down his order. Zak shifted uncomfortably in his seat and swallowed before speaking up.

“I already have someone. I'm sorry ”he said nervously.

"Oh well, that’s too bad" the girl replied giving him a quick smile and turning to walk away. 

That got Zak thinking though... Darryl and him had confessed their feeling for each other- but did that mean that they were dating now? Were they boyfriends? These thoughts wouldn’t leave his mind as he drank his coffee up and also later as he picked up his groceries. So many questions pervaded his mind. 

He finally got back home, putting away the groceries and organizing stuff slightly in his small kitchen. He then decided to call Darryl, to finally get answers to the burning questions.

“Hi Darryl”  he said almost in a whisper- somehow he felt nervous all over again. What if Darryl doesn’t actually consider us dating and doesn't want to be my boyfriend? He felt his stomach churn. 

“Hello muffin, you doing okay?”

“Darryl… What are we?” Zak blurted out, getting straight to the point, as he was scared that he would lose his courage if he waited any longer.

“What do you mean, muffin?” Darryl replied, slightly puzzled at the youngers question.

“Like… we confessed, does this mean that we’re boyfriends now?” Zak asked nervously.

“Yes, if that’s what you want it to mean, Zak….” Darryl replied calmly. 

Zak felt his cheeks heating up as his smiled widely, his stomach filling with butterflies instead.

“Yes Darryl, I’d like that”

“I’m glad….I really love you, muffin” 

“I love you too…”

"If I know what love is, it is because of you",  A Skephalo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now