Chapter 18 - When christmas comes to town

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A/N Wdym it is weird to write christmas related chapters in April?

Christmas season approached quickly and soon the whole world had fallen into a lighthearted christmas mood. Christmas songs played on repeat on the radio and the couple decided to decorate their apartment with various cute ornaments as well as do some baking to get in the mood. Zak tried to put small snowflakes, and star shaped lights around the house while Darryl was in the kitchen baking som gingerbreads.

"Hmm... Darryl?" Zak called as he was fiddling with a piece of decoration.

"Yeah, love?" Darryl answered distractedly, as he was concentrating on the baking.

"I've been thinking... how do we spend christmas? I don't think I'm welcome at home right now..." Zak's voice broke as he said the last part and tears welled up in his eyes. Darryl immediately dropped whatever he was doing in the kitchen and went to pull his boyfriend into a tight hug.

"Shh, it's okay..." he whispered and kissed Zak's hair. "We have a open invitation from my parents on christmas. It's up to you if you want to join them or not though. If you just want to take it easy we can stay here the two of us and have a small christmas celebration?" Darryl suggested softly. Zak nodded thoughtfully, choked back a sob and took a deep breath to calm himself

"Your parents were so lovely... I think I we could spend christmas with them... if they don't mind..." Zak said quietly, his eyes fixated onto the ground, he felt slightly embarrassed for breaking down like that. Arms were held tightly around him though and he felt so grateful to have Darryl comforting presence there.

"Of course" Darryl replied, kissing Zak's head again and hugging him tighter.

A little later that evening they were relaxing on the couch together, Zak was tightly snuggled into Darryl's chest , while Darryl was just mindlessly scrolling through his social media.

"Oh my goodness, look!" He exclaimed suddenly and shoved his phone in front of Zak's face for him to see. The picture was a post from Dream's twitter. It showed him and A6d together. Dream had an arm around A6d's shoulders and A6d was looking at him. His cheeks were slightly tinted pink and his gaze was unmistakingly full of love. In his hands he held a plate full of colourful gingerbreads. "Met up to get into the christmas mood together." the caption said.

"Aw that's so incredibly cute!" Zak exclaimed, a brightful smile forming on his lips. "I'm kind of glad those two found each other"

"I know right? Me too!" Darryl replied happily before leaning down to kiss Zak's nose.

"And I'm glad that I found you..." he then said, while the cheesiest smile played on his lips. Zak smiled back.

"God, I love you"

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