Chapter 4- a6d knows (part two)

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Darryl frowned slightly and felt the pressure on his chest build up. He had heard Zak's reaction and instantly left the teamspeak to go and comfort his boyfriend and also not really wanting to stay there any longer. 

"Wait-" he heard Vincent say just before he disconnected.

Darryl called Zak up instead, sighing slightly as he waited for the younger to pick up. He was quite disappointed at the whole situation, he had just imagined coming out a lot differently.

"Hello?" Zak, answered his phone, his voice was hoarse, it was quite obvious he had been crying.

"Zak-" Darryl started, but got cut off by Zak before he got any further.

"Darryl, I'm so, so sorry... I really didn't mean to say that, it was an accident. Now I've ruined everything, haven't I? Vincent probably hates us now and it's all my fault..." Zak rambled on quickly. He was clearly very stressed out.

"Calm down, love. I'm not blaming you, I know you didn't mean to. It would have happened sooner or later anyway." Darryl responded to the younger, in hope to calm him down. Zak sniffled softly, wiping away the tears that were flowing down  his cheeks.

"Thank you, Darry" he whispered, a faint smile growing on his face, he was really happy to have such an amazing boyfriend.

Just then someone started spamming them with messages. Both their phones started going crazy, as the notifications sprung up. It was Vincent asking them to come back to teamspeak so that they could talk.

"See? Maybe he was just shocked at first..." Darryl said, partly to comfort Zak but  partly also to convince himself.  They both went back over to the teamspeak. Instantly Vincent started talking quickly trying to explain himself.

"Look guys, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that- it just really took me by surprise. I will always support you guys, just know that you can trust me, even when I'm acting like a stupid baguette sometimes...." Vincent finished off, hoping the couple would forgive him. Meanwhile both Darryl and Zak sighed in relief, Vincent's words meant a lot to them.

"Thanks Vince, we're here for you as well..."

They were all just really glad that everything worked out after all. 

"If I know what love is, it is because of you",  A Skephalo Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن