Chapter 9 - Pizza and love

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Zak and Darryl walked to the car together, hands intertwined. They felt happiness and warmth, because they could finally be together. Zak loaded Darryl's luggage into his car and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, before going to the drivers side and getting in. Zak had to drive with one hand only, as Darryl grabbed Zak's hand again when they were in the car. Darryl knew that they only had a few days together and he wanted to enjoy them as much as possible. They sat in comfortable silence. Darryl was lovingly caressing Zak's hand- he was lost in thought- but then he got stuck on a certain thought, and grew a little bit concerned- so he spoke up,

"Hey, love? Don't you think we should be more careful with showing affection? Literally only Vincent knows about this yet" Darryl said worryingly. Zak frowned at Darryl's statement, he had completely forgotten about that... he was just too happy to finally be meeting Darryl. Now he realized, that Darryl was right. Hopefully no one who knew them saw them there at the airport.

"You're probably right, Darry" Zak replied thoughtfully. "I haven't even told my mother yet, I really don't want it to come out..."

They arrived at the hotel that they were supposed to be staying at. Zak had booked a room for both of them to stay at. They opened the door to reveal a small, but spacious room. The walls were the colour of lemon, and opposite to the door, was a large window with white curtains.

"Wow, there is only one bed" Darryl commented, looking at the bed in the middle of the small room.

"I assumed that you wanted to cuddle" Zak giggled slightly. Darryl then turned to the other, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I guess you assumed right..." Darryl whispered into Zak's raven hair, smiling shyly. Zak pulled away from the hug and cupped his boyfriends cheeks as he kissed him softly on the lips.

"You're so cute, I love you" he said, pulling away. Darryl flushed red and his smile grew even wider.

"I'm so happy to be here with you. I love you too"

"We should meet up with Vincent, Clay and George. I told them to wait at the lobby around 5pm so that we could go and eat something together. What do you think?"

"Yeah, sure" Darryl said, smiling and grabbing Zak's hand- but then dropping it again as the went out through the door- as he remembered what they said about showing their affection...

They met the rest of the group in the lobby. They were all excited about being there and also about finally meeting each other. Zak wished that he could hold Darryl's hand again, but they simply had to settle for walking close to each other, as they walked around town, in search of some good place to eat.

At last, they found a rather nice looking pizza-place and went inside. The seatings inside, were like small couches made out of leather, and the walls were made out of in brownish and yellowish bricks. The smell of pizza was resting in the air gave the whole place a very cozy feeling.

The group sat down at one of the tables. Zak sat down next to Darryl, and their hands secretly intertwined under the table. Vincent slipped down next to Clay and their hands accidentally touched as he was sitting himself down. Vincent's cheeks flushed red, and so did Clay's. Clay looked away, not saying anything. George pulled a chair from another table and sat down at the side of the table.

They ordered some food, three pizzas for all of them to share. Luckily no one seemed to notice Darryl's and Zak's intertwined hands, although they pulled away from each other when it was time to eat. The group had a lot of fun together, talking and laughing. Eventually the sky outside turned the colour of charcoal, only small points breaking through its darkness, like small fires.

The group decided that it was time to split up for the evening. They stood outside the restaurant, observing the beautiful sky. Tonight there were almost no clouds on it, and the beautiful stars were clearly visible, shining gracefully upon them.

"You know what? The sky is so beautiful tonight, I don't want to go back yet. I will go for a walk" Clay said, looking up at the beautiful stars and smiling lightly. Zak yawned widely.

"You're tired, huh?" Darryl said, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Zak nodded at that.

"I'm sorry, but I think we won't join you on your walk...I'm kind of tired as well, I think we will just go back" Darryl sighed, and smiled apologetically.

"Don't count on me either, I'm definitely going to bed now" George said, not actually feeling tired, but seeing those sparks in Vincent's eyes...

"I would love to go..." Vincent finally said, trying to contain the excitement in his voice, his eyes sparking.

"Let's go then" Clay said, his eyes shining in a special way too.

Darryl and Zak made it back to their room, brushing their teeth and getting into comfortable clothes before lying together in bed. Zak snuggled into Darryl's chest, putting both of his arms around Darryl's torso. Darryl had his arm around Zak's back holding him tight, while softly running his fingers through the other's raven hair. Zak sighed softly against the older, feeling happy and safe in his arms. He then looked up, meeting the other's emerald gaze, which was full of love. Zak reached up and kissed Darryl's nose, the older blushing lightly. Zak then settled back down into Darryl's embrace and closed his eyes. Darryl kissed the younger's cheek.

"Goodnight, my muffin"

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