Chapter 10 - Who is she?

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It was around 9am and the sun was shining softly upon the city. The sunrays shone in through the window of the couple's room and brushed softly against the their faces. Zak woke up first, and blinked a few times as the bright sun met his eyes. He still had both of his arms wrapped around Darryl's chest. He sighed softly as he snuggled back into Darryl, not wanting to leave the comfort and love that surrounded him.

Darryl woke up and affectionately brushed Zak's hair with his fingers, before lightly kissing his cheek.

"Good morning love" Darryl said softly, smiling at his boyfriend, who was closely cuddled up to his chest.

"We should get up now, we have a event to go to, remember?" Darryl continued softly. Zak didn't reply and just hugged Darryl closer. Darryl rubbed Zak's back as he chuckled, then he finally broke free from Zak's embrace and kissed Zak's cheek as he stood up.

"Come on, my muffin...we should get ready"

Zak finally got up from the bed, groaning a bit. They quickly got ready to leave for the event, putting on hoodies and giving their hair a quick comb.

Together they started walking their way towards it. Both Zak and Darryl had been checking their twitter in fear of finding pictures of them kissing at the airport, yet luckily there seemed to be none. They walked past some kind of bakery and the smell of freshly baked goods met their nostrils.

"I'm going to buy us something to eat. Go and meet up with Vincent and I'll join you guys later." Darryl said, smiling lightly. Zak nodded.

"Get me a donut or something" he said before continuing his walk to the event.

Darryl walked into the small bakery, the smell was amazing, and he closed his eyes for a second just to appreciate it. He walked forward, taking a look at the different pastries, bread rolls, bagels... but also sweet things like donuts and muffins. He bought a blueberry muffin for himself and a chocolate donut for Zak. Darryl was just about to leave the bakery- when he felt a hand on his shoulder- so he turned around.

"...Abby?" Darryl said in disbelief, since he was not really expecting to see her here.

"Hi Darryl, listen, I'm so sorry about the things I said to you... do you have a minute?" Abby quietly said, looking down at the floor.

"Alright, I guess. Let's sit down and talk here. " Darryl sighed, he didn't really want to talk to her, but at the same time he really hated to be on bad terms with people and he just wanted to solve this.

They sat down at one of the tables in the cafe. It was a table located beside the entrance to the cafe's kitchen. Abby fiddled nervously with the yellow tablecloth, which was carelessly laid over the table. She then looked up, meeting Darryl's gaze— her eyes were full of regret.

"I didn't mean what I said then ..." she began quietly. Darryl nodded thoughtfully. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"I was upset... .I liked you...but of course you should be with whoever you want. I know there aren't enough words to excuse what I did, but I hope you won't hate me forever .... "

They kept talking, and everything seemed to be slowly resolving. Darryl didn't feel as upset with the whole situation anymore. He was glad that Abby took the initiative and apologized. The conversation eventually continued over to more light hearted topics ...

// Meanwhile //

Vincent, Zak and Clay were standing right at the entrance to vidcon, still waiting for Darryl. Zak was impatiently pacing around.

"What is taking him so long? He was just supposed to quickly buy something from the bakery!" Zak muttered worryingly, his eyebrows furrowing. Vincent put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure he is fine, he probably just got caught up in something... you could go back and check on him?" Vincent suggested. Zak nodded at his words.

"I think I'll do that actually... will you be okay waiting?" Zak asked.

"I'll be fine, I've got Clay to keep me company" Vincent said, smiling and looking towards Clay, who blushed lightly.

"Okay then" Zak concluded, as he quite quickly started walking his way back to the bakery. He finally arrived at the familiar building, and a pleasant smell met him as he was approaching the door. As  he walked in he noticed that  Darryl was sitting at a table at the far right, talking with a dark haired girl. He clenched his hands.

Who is she?

"If I know what love is, it is because of you",  A Skephalo FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu