Chapter 3 - a6d knows

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Zak and Darryl agreed to keep their relationship secret for now, for the fans and even for Vincent. It wasn't that they didn't trust him, everything was just so new to them and they wanted to take it slow.

Zak jumped onto teamspeak and then waited for Vincent and Darryl to join him as well. They had decided that they would play some skywars together and record a video.

Soon everyone was in, and they went over to hypixel. They started by playing some simple solo rounds - but Zak won every single one of them, since he's a pro at skywars. After maybe 5 rounds, Vincent and Darryl started getting really annoyed.

"Hey a6d, let's team up on Skeppy, so we finally win this...." Darryl gritted his teeth, determined to not let Zak win another round.

"Whaaa ... would you really team up on your boyfriend ?!" Zak said impulsively, but then he realized what he'd just said and he put his hand over his mouth in chock, silently scolding himself for his mistake.

"Hold on... BOYFRIEND ?!" Vincent called out. Both Darryl and Zak sat silent, trying to think things over quickly and come up with something to answer. Finally Darryl spoke up, deciding that Vincent is their best friend after all, so what could be the worst thing to happen?

"Well... me and Zak started dating while back..." he almost whispered, scared of what the other's reaction would be.

"Oh..." Vincent said, the situation got really awkward. The silence that followed was horrible and Zak just couldn't take it- leaving the teamspeak with a sob. He put his head down on the desk as tears started to flow down his cheeks. He felt really shaken up by the whole situation. He felt like Vincent would hate them now and it was all his fault.

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