Chapter 13 - Coming out

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Zak got on the bus, this was the last bit he would have to travel before he would be home. He thought about vidcon and how thankful he was for his fans. Somehow he and Darryl had managed to keep their relationship a secret, despite the fact that they had held hands a couple of times and also kissed openly at the airport. Zak was sure that some of their fans must have seen them though, but luckily they had kept it to themselves...

Zak was getting close to his home, it was only about 10 more minutes by bus. He tiredly rested his head against the glass window of the bus and watched the dull world outside. The droplets slowly ran down the glass pane one after another. Oddly enough, he didn't feel happy to be back home, instead he felt empty. 

Zak walked in through the door of his apartment and dropped his bag to the floor as  he sighed heavily. He wished to be in a completely different place- somewhere where he could be with Darryl. He hoped Darryl was alright and that he also had made it home safely.


Zak 17:12

Hi Darry, just made it home. I miss you :(

                                                                                      Darryl 17:14

                                                                                       Miss you too, muffin. 


Zak 17:15

Ok <3


Zak dropped down in his gaming chair and joined Darryl's teamspeak. For a long time they both sat quietly together, wishing they could go back and be with each other again. Small quiet sniffles were heard from Zak's side.

"It hasn't even been a day yet and I miss you so much..." Zak sighed. "I want to hug you ... it's just too lonely here."

"I miss you too, my muffin, it feels kind of weird to be back home. Vidcon was a magical experience ... but only because I spent it with you" Darryl replied softly.

Zak blushed at those words, his cheeks turning the color of ripe strawberries. He smiled ĺightly, despite being sad.

"Darry, do you think we could ever move in with each other? Not being with you is just unbearable ... "Zak asked with hope in his voice.

Darryl smiled softly, butterflies forming in his stomach. He really wanted to move in with Zak too, so that they could spend more time together and also that would mean getting rid of the hurt in his chest - created by being hundreds of miles away from the love of his life.

"Hmm I think that would be possible ..." Darryl pondered, there was definitely room for Zak in his apartment ...

 "So Zak, would you like to move into my place?"

"Yes, I would love too ..." Zak smiled, finally in a good mood again.

// A while later //

Zak's mother didn't know that Zak was gay yet.  Zak had waited a long time to tell her because he himself  had felt unsure of everything for a long while... but now he was actually going to move in with Darryl and he really felt that he loved Darryl with all his heart. Darryl was the one, Zak was sure of that, and because of that he also decided it was finally time to tell his mother.

Zak sat on the rooftop, leaning his back against an old metal barrel, with only the glittering stars above to keep him company. The air was chilly, but Zak didn't notice it because he was so nervous. He bit his lip anxiously as he scrolled through the contacts in search of his mother's number. Once he found it, he sat staring at it for a while, before swallowing and decisively pressing "dial".

Signal after signal sounded, and Zak began to almost regret that he decided to call her ... but before he could hang up again, his mother finally answered the phone. Zak began to fiddle nervously with one of his shoelaces. He tried to pull himself together, and finally manage to form words.

"H-hi mom" he choked out.

"Hi Zak dear, anything going on?" his mother asked, clearly concerned.

"Um... I just wanted to talk to you about something..." he said almost in a whisper.

"What is it, dear? Are you okay?" his mother asked worriedly.

"Mom... I'm gay and I'm dating an amazing guy named Darryl" Zak quickly blurted out, just wanting to get it over with.

"What?! What do you mean dating a guy? It's... unnatural!"

"But I-I love him" Zak barely whispered

"I'm sure you're just close friends, don't let your imagination fool you that it's love. You've just not found the right girl yet."


"Talk to me when you've stopped this madness"

With a click the call ended, silence filling the dark night once again. Zak dropped his phone and rested his head in his hands, tears flowing down his cheeks, as sadness and disappointment filled him. He sat there for a while alone, silently weeping, then picked his phone up again messaging Darryl three words: "She didn't approve". Immediately Darryl called him.

"You okay, baby? You know I love you a lot, right? And I will always do. Just know that the fact that your gay doesn't change anything, and you're an amazing person, the most amazing one I know in fact. If your mother doesn't see that, well then she is being stupid. I'm sorry I can't be there for you right now, I would give you a bear hug"

Zak smiled lightly through the tears. Darryl was really the best boyfriend he could ever ask for.

"Thank you, Darry" he whispered, leaning his head back against the metal barrel. He felt a lot better knowing that he had Darryl by his side. "I love you."

&quot;If I know what love is, it is because of you&quot;,  A Skephalo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now