Episode 46: Burnt Out

Start from the beginning

That was true. Marshall and Duke could eat a lot. Phoenix could too, but it kind of depended on the day. I actually wasn't sure how much Ali ate on any given day because he had a tendency to try to eat by himself.

Anyway, Aunt Sarah got everything laid out on the table for us. Recah stocked the fridge while I took care of the pantry. This stuff should tide us over 'til we throw a birthday party for Lie and Phoenix.

"What do you think I should make for lunch?" I asked.

"Sandwiches should be fine." Recah poked her head out of the fridge. "We can save the big guns for dinner tonight."


After I was done, I left the sandwiches for everyone to pick up. If they wanted more, they could ask or make them themselves. Still, I hoped I made enough for everyone.

That was when I realized I hadn't checked on Ali or Phoenix since I saw Recah inspecting the kitchen. I was particularly worried about Ali since he was acting strangely when Phoenix came into our room earlier.

I really should make sure he was doing alright...

He was standing in the laundry room. He seemed to be staring into space. His body was rigid.

That was when it hit me. KKs couldn't get natural sicknesses, but they could be hurt. This wasn't the case this time, but they also needed sleep.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Come with me."

"Kay, nee-chan."

I had to choke down a gasp. Ali didn't usually call me that to my face. It was something he did more when he was younger.

I took him into the den. It was closer than our room was. I couldn't be sure how far he could get in the shape he was in. He also wouldn't be bothered in there. Our friends didn't spend much time in there.


He sat in the recliner like I told him to. That was when he perked up. "Hey, Kaze."

"Hey, Ali." I took a breath. "Will you close your eyes and count to sixty?"

"What for?"


Ali jumped and closed his eyes.

"Two... Three..."

Ali was asleep now. He looked so pale. His hair even looked lifeless. If he needed sleep, I wished he'd just say so. We could leave him by himself if that was what he needed. He had people who wanted to take care of him. Not just me, but Phoenix and Recah, too. I knew Aunt Sarah felt the same way.

His dad came in. "Did he just get to sleep?"

I nodded.

His dad pulled a thicker blanket out of a basket and gently laid it over him. He then leaned the recliner back.

I followed his dad into the hallway. He left the door open just a crack.

"Are you sure it'll be alright to leave him like that?" I asked.

"It's not the first time I've left him to sleep that way. He seems to sleep fine. Sometimes better than he does in his own room." His dad put his hands behind his head. "Besides, if we move him now, he might wake up. As I imagine you're aware, getting him to sleep can be a bit of chore if he's struggling with it."

I was... I think we charmed him a few times because of it in the palace.

"Is this what you always do when he gets like this?"

"It'd be more ideal to get him into a bed, but that's not always possible. I used to take him to his room or mine when he was smaller, but it's just not the best thing for him anymore. Otherwise, you saw how I usually handle it."

I sighed. "How have you and Miss Sarah decided this happens?"

"He has always had issues with nightmares and tried to keep his problems to himself. That's definitely a factor. It definitely makes this worse. Still, he seems to be wired to struggle to sleep more than most."

If it was because that was how Ali was, there might not be much we could do for him besides the things we were already doing. That was something I didn't want to hear.

"I'm going to tell my wife about this in a little bit. Just so you're not surprised, she's probably going to make him take sleeping medicine tonight or tomorrow night."

They had medicine to make people sleep in this country? This was news to me. Annie never mentioned it. Then again, we had charms for this, so we might not have needed the medicine.

"How are you holding up? From the sounds of it, you weren't doing that well a couple weeks ago."

"I'm alright. Honestly, I'm more worried about him right now. It freaks everybody out when they know he did this."

His dad nodded. "Andrea would have to agree with you. Sometimes, I felt bad knowing she had to watch this too."

Andrea...? Who was the girl who used to terrorize him? No, her name was Audrey... Whoever she was, I imagined this was awful for her, too.

"Anyway, I'm off to see my wife."

That was when it hit me. That was Ali's dad. He was Aunt Sarah's wife. He was my uncle. That man was my uncle.


I checked on him every hour or so to make sure he was alright. He didn't seem to stir much.

I ultimately went and slept in a nearby room. I wanted to be close in case something happened. It wouldn't be too surprising if he woke up disoriented given what happened.

When I came to check on him the next morning, he looked like he was about to stir. I went in because I wanted to be there when he did.

Ali slowly opened his eyes and locked onto me.

"Morning, sleepyhead." I smiled. "Did you sleep good?"

"Did you put this blanket on me?" He had a dazed look to him, but he looked better than when I brought him into the den yesterday.

I shook my head. "Your dad did that. Don't think I knew your family kept blankets in here."

"Sorry for passing out on you..."

"If you didn't feel good, you could've told us or your parents. You shouldn't have waited 'til it got that bad."

"There wasn't much you could've done, T."

I sighed. "Maybe I couldn't have fixed why you weren't sleeping that well, but if I'd known, I could've been there."

"You were, though. You were right there."

"You know I'm not letting you do anything today, right?"

He nodded. Ali got up and put his arms around me and his head on mine. "Love you, Kaze."

"Love you, too, Ali."


Thoughts? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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