Alternative ending- Matthew C. Roberts

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I'm making this for my best friend.

She will never let it go that I killed Matt... ("Her child")... And in the midst of quarantine... She deserves some wholesome happiness. So... Here is the "happy ending"... Although the original ending to me fits better.

This is all for you, Katie.


So, this'll start off right before Matt is shot. Let's recap a little:  Abbie tackled Matt's dad, stabbing him in the leg. Matt's dad, in response, throws her across the room. Matt immediately goes to her aid. Matt asks if she's hurt, and tells her they need to keep going, and I'll start right there...

"No, I can fight," she gives my hand a squeeze and starts to rise. Most of the fighting is over, with dead bodies hiding much of the velvet flooring. I start to rise as well and we walk together, but the moment I see my father, I push Abbie back to the ground. A gunshot fills the air.

I gasp, holding my breath as I dive to the ground with Abbie, and then stand up again. I'm safe. I don't know how... But I wasn't shot. Abbie rises from the floor as well, brushing herself off a tiny bit before we both focus on my dad again.

"That was too close to hitting her," I stare into my father's eyes. "Another close call like that and you'll end up pretty messed up."

He simply laughs, brushing my threat away as he quickly aims his gun. I move out of the way again, pulling Abbie with me, and another gunshot fills the air... But I watch as my father topples over onto the ground. Markus can be seen shakily holding a bloodied gun, staring at the body on the floor. He looks up to me and Abbie and smiles slightly.

"Oh my God," I murmur. His body is motionless, blood pooling around his body. The gunshot must have hit something vital. 

"Wait, guys..." Abbie walks closer to the body and to Markus. I follow her and we stand there in silence for a moment, letting the reality of what's just happened wash over us. I glance around and see my mom waiting there for us, a smile on her face. Everyone else is either dead or on our side, resting or watching us. "We... We did it."

"Oh my God," I laugh, grinning so hard my face hurts. I turn to Abbie, feeling like crying from pure happiness, and she turns to me. Screw it, I'm so happy I can barely think rationally. I take her cheek into my hand and pull her to me, gently kissing her. Seeing if she'll kiss back. And if she doesn't, then I will pull away.

But she does kiss back. She puts her hand into my hair and draws me closer.

"Ahem" Markus coughs. "Uhh... You're really making me feel like a third wheel here. And also people are staring."

"Sorry," I chuckle, backing away a tiny bit from Abbie but still holding her hand. We walk over to my mom and she grins at  the three of us.

"Well... I can't believe it, but we did it."

"We actually did," Markus smiles.

"And that means it's now time to go home. And for Matthew to be human again," my mom says.

"Wait," I grin. "I'm going to be able to leave the house... And feel temperature... And..."

"That's right. You'll continue life the same age you died at. But... It's going to be hard to make you an identity. That's okay! You'll figure it out! For now, enjoy life. It's a gift."

"Abbie, Markus. You may take off your rings to return home. Matthew, I will be using some of my abilities to turn you human. Since I'm now the ruler here."

"Thank you for all you've done," Abbie grins. Markus agrees. "Matt, I'll see you. As a human."

"See you. As human," I wave. The two both slip their rings off, and now I'm just left.

"You better marry that girl the minute you're human again," my mom teases. "You're so lovesick. It's extremely obvious."

I blush, smirking to myself. "Good. I want to marry her... She's..."

"I know, Matt. And you have my full permission. Just remember to treasure her each day. She's the one who gave you a second chance at life. She's the one who freed you."

"I promise. I'll never forget to remind her how lovely she is."

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