Matthew C. Roberts

18 1 0

It's ten PM. Abbie is fast asleep on the couch where we have been binging a random horror show. My mind still lingers on how close I was to Abbie when she was drawing and it makes me feel flustered. A little giddy. A strange feeling, one I haven't felt in so many years. I lay across the soft fabric of the couch, fiddling with the tips of my fluffy hair as I think about her. Oh God, I'm a mess, aren't I?

I rise from the couch, being careful not to wake Abbie, and chuckle at my silly thoughts. So hopelessly crushing on her. I feel like a teenage boy again. Switching off the TV, I take some of the various cups and snack bowls surrounding the couch to the kitchen and set them in the dishwasher, turning it on so we can have clean dishes.

I continue to clean the house for Abbie, excited to see her smile when she notices I had done it for her, my mind occupied with thoughts of her. I'm so stupid for her... Ugh.

And you know, a part of me wonders if I only like her because she's the only decent person I've encountered since my death. I really hope that's not the only reason, it surely doesn't feel like the only reason to me, but what if I'm just tricking myself? I guess I'll find out when I meet others... But Aria didn't catch my eye when she came over like Abbie did.

Hours roll by of me consumed by my own mind, and I find myself cracking open a book to stop myself from thinking about her any longer.

After maybe an hour of reading, a weird feeling fills my chest, just like the day Mom had appeared. Maybe she's come back like she said she would... She has a lot of questions to answer. I fold the corner of the page I'm on and set the book on Abbie's bed, beginning to wander around the house in hopes I'll see Mom.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem very likely. I started looking throughout the house about 45 minutes ago, and nothing but a certain feeling has filled my chest. As I almost give up and resume my book, I hear her distinct voice. "Matt."

"Mom!" I nearly yell, turning around to see her as a ghost once again. "You're back!"

"Indeed, and I have about an hour to explain many things to you, so please listen so I can explain everything," she instructs. I nod. "Come on, let's sit down for this."

I lead her to the couch where she carefully sits down, directing her attention towards me. "Okay, go ahead. I have a lot of questions."

"Add I intend to answer all of them. Ah, gosh, where do I even begin?"

"How about why I've been a ghost for 14 years while you've been free?"

"Free? Well... I wouldn't go that far, but sure. To start, your father rules the afterlife. He's evil and uses his power as king to an unhealthy extent-"

"What?!" I interrupt, confused as ever.

"Don't interrupt until I'm finished!" she snaps. I nod, quieting down. "Anyways, when I had married him I had no clue. He knew, of course, and planned our deaths for years... But he hadn't planned to keep you here until he realized that you could overthrow him in the afterlife. I've spent the past 14 years getting enough energy and power to not only stop the pain when you talk to that girl, but visit you to answer questions. There's also another thing, but do you have any questions so far?"

"Yeah," I nod, "why does it only hurt to talk to Abbie?"

"Because he sees how much power she has over you. How much she has affected you. How strong she can make you."

"Does he know you're here right now?"

"I have some people stalling, but he'll probably find out. That's why I only have so long to talk. Now, listen, I'm going to come back in a week because you have quite a few strong people on your side, including me. I'm done with his monarchy, the afterlife should be a time of peace, but because of him there has been great conflict. I have a few other people on our side too. In a week's time, all of us are going to the afterlife to defeat him. I have enough stored power to break the barrier keeping you here, but only for a couple of days."

"But... How will Abbie and Markus be brought there. They can't see us."

"Honey, I have this all planned out," she reaches into her pocket to reveal two rings. "Give one to each of them. They will be a ghost for as long as they wear them- and don't worry, they'll be tight on their finger."

"Can I give one to Abbie today?"

"Sure, the effect of the ring lasts for as long as they wear it. If they take it off, it returns when it's worn once again."

"Wait!" I exclaim, excitement filling my entire body. "If she's a ghost, will she be able to see me?"

"Of course! And hug her and what not. I've seen you guys grow as friends and such. She won't feel cold and neither of you will feel pain." Mom checks the time on the clock hanging next to the TV and gasps, "I've got to go in about a minute, but Honey, I love you. I wish I could have stopped your death."

Tears brim my eyes, tears I didn't know could be spilled from me, and I wrap my arms around Mom, tightly embracing her. "I love you too."
"Be strong. Remember, I'll be back in a week."

But as she disappears, one question remains in my mind: what happens after we kill my father?


When Abbie wakes up, I'm anxious to tell her the news. The rings were put in my pocket, but I occasionally nervously mess with them in my sweaty palms. I see her beautiful cinnamon eyes emerge from upstairs as I lounge on the couch. I immediately jump up. "Abbie! I have some news, but first, wake up a little and be prepared for some heavy stuff. She nods, walking to the kitchen and brewing some coffee. Her movements are tense and anxious as she impatiently taps her foot. "Hey, don't worry, it's not exactly bad news, I guess."

She nods, exhaling a little, and brings her freshly brewed coffee to the counter as she sits down. "Okay, so what happened?"

I told her everything, analyzing her expressions and reactions. When I'm nearly done, I finally reach into my pockets for the rings. She scans them, a gold band with a white, nearly translucent gem on each of them. "Those are beautiful," she tells me, picking up one to inspect.

"Yeah. Do you want to put one on now or wait for Markus?"

"I'll wait for Markus so I have someone to experience this with," she sets the ring down. The response disappoints me a bit, but I hurry to hide any of that feeling. "I'll call him now."

I can't wait to give her a real hug where she can actually see me.

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