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5 Years Later...

"This is the last of it," I say. Markus opens the front door for me and Alec follows. I place the box down on the floor and sigh, sitting down next to it. Alec sits next to me, taking my hand. Markus sits down across from the two of us.

"We've got a lot of work ahead of us," Markus exhales in exhaustion, scanning all of the boxes.

"That, we do," I agree. I rise from against the box and Alec continues to grip my hand, not letting me go. "Let go, you dork," I smile. He rolls his bright emerald eyes, beaming, and lets my hand go. "Alright, where's my art stuff?"

"Art before anything," Markus jokes. "As always."

"Shut up," I laugh. "I'm just protective over it, my art supplies are not cheap."

Alec stands up and reads some of the box labels. After reading a few, he says, "found it!"

I rush over, excited, and open the box he points at. My art supplies are roughly scattered everywhere. "Oh Lord, no, no, no!" I begin to empty the box out. "My children!"

"Not quite yet," Alec winks. My face flushes pink.

"Shut up, Alec," I snort, checking all my paints. When I'm sure they're okay, I look inside of the box and see a sketchbook tucked inside of another sketchbook. Curious, I pick up the one tucked inside and see the worn pages. Memories unlock inside of me.

"Oh God," I whisper, opening it up. A familiar drawing greets me, the one that started it all. A drawing of a red haired boy with ocean eyes.

"What's wrong?" Alec asks, gently moving my head to face his with his warm hand. He senses this isn't an 'oh God' said out of embarrassment, but rather difficult memories.


Markus' head immediately perks up and he approaches the two of us.

"Matthew?" Alec questions, waiting for me to elaborate.

I flip to the back of the sketchbook and a plastic bag falls out. A ring is in it as well as a Queen cd. Memories flood back. Tears form in my eyes as I remember his laugh as clear as day.

"Five years ago, I loved someone. But... He died."

"I'm so sorry," Alec wraps me in a hug.

"It's okay... I'm over him, although I still miss him sometimes... I guess this brought a lot back..." I tuck the bag back into the notebook.

"How did he die?"

"It's... Complicated... But, a gunshot."

"I'm sorry he died..." Alec says once again. He's unsure what to say exactly, it must be strange hearing your girlfriend misses her ex... If you could call what Matt and I had a relationship.

"It's okay. It's part of the past now," I set the sketchbook back into the box, then fill it up with my numerous paints.


Alec lays down next to me on our floor bed. The bed we're supposed to have is being brought by moving van, but unfortunately, there was a complication and we can't get one until tomorrow. We packed most of the boxes into our car, but the furniture couldn't fit if we forced it to.

I smile at him and he smiles back, his blonde hair covering his left eye. His hair is an unnatural shade of blonde that's so light, it nearly looks white. I admire it, though, because it's a little strange and he's a little strange. I love him.

He snuggles next to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Comfortable," he remarks.

I laugh. "Better than nothing."

"True. And now I get to live with you, even if the price to pay is a night on the floor."

"Hey, Alec?" my tone of voice changes. He changes his humorous state to a serious one to match mine.


"About Matthew..." I begin, "when he first died... I never thought I'd love anyone again. I was a mess, especially because our situation was complicated and I had loved him before I even really hugged him... But I've truly moved on... Because I love you. You didn't replace the hole Matt left when he died... You healed it. I love you, Alec."

Alec stays silent for a moment and the anticipation is killing me. "Abbie..." he murmurs. "I love you too. I don't know what exactly happened between you and Matthew... But... I'm glad I'm not a replacement. I'm glad I helped you heal... And... I do genuinely want to do everything with you. You're the most interesting, funny, beautiful-"

"Okay, okay," I laugh. "I get it, I'm great."

He chuckles. "I mean it all, though."

"I know you do."

I lean into him and we fall asleep on our floor bed, the room silent apart from our breathing. The moon shining into our uncovered bedroom window.

Matthew Christopher Roberts. He was my soulmate. I know it. He taught me to confront the people that cause harm in my life, to face my fears... He taught me to live without him even leaving the house. That you can connect with people on a deeper level without even really seeing them or going anywhere with them. He taught me how to be alive. How to look forward to each day. He taught me that life is short and I need to make it count.

His death was a tragedy. His death ruined me. But he wanted me to love again and find happiness again. It seems I have.

And now that his life is a distant memory, I can sleep at night knowing I couldn't have stopped the gunshot. There wasn't a chance. But I can move on and live my life normally despite all that's happened with time.

Matthew Christopher Roberts. The best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.

And... It's over. read the next chapter for my soft author's note. And yes, because I'm sensitive, I did cry writing these last couple of chapters-

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