Matthew C. Roberts

18 1 0

The day easily rolls by, filled with cake decorating, TV, and joking around. Markus is great to be around, unlike what I was originally expecting the day I first saw him. Abbie is lovely as always, her sense of humor always seeming to make me laugh.

Now, Abbie sits on the couch, clutching her phone. Her palms are visibly sweaty. Markus sits next to her, urging her to call Aria. "Abbie, it's okay. She's your best friend. She'll listen to you, even if she isn't superstitious."

"Yeah... I know... But-"

"No buts," Markus sighs. He snatches the phone and taps 'call' next to Aria's contact. "Sitting here and doing nothing doesn't help us."

"Fine," Abbie sighs, defeated as the repetitive ringing fills the air. After a few rings, she picks up.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, do you want to come over for some cake? Me and Markus made some."

"Sure! I'd love to. When do you want me over?"

"Right now, if you're free."

"Deal!" you can nearly hear Aria's smile. "I'll be over in 15."

"Cool, see ya!" Abbie's voice shakes a little and she immediately hangs up. "This is terrifying."

"You've got us to help you! Stop overthinking it," I bud in.

"Okay, I'll stop. Let's just get out the cake and cut a few slices," Abbie climbs over the couch and runs to the kitchen, taking a cake out from a sealed container. Markus and I join her, helping to cut up the cake.


We wait for her arrival gathered around the counter. The air is tense, Abbie is fiddling with her hands while Markus anxiously glances around the room, his eyes occasionally flicking to the door. Even I feel a bit on edge.

Everyone's attention is grabbed from the doorbell ringing. Markus and Abbie both walk to the front door, me trailing behind them. Abbie opens up the door and says, "Hey!"

"Hey!" Aria smiles warmly.

"Come in!" Abbie moves out of the way for Aria to come in. Markus waves to the new guest and she waves back. The group heads to the counter after Aria slides her shoes off, more light hearted than a couple of minutes ago.

After some comfortable chatter, I see one of Abbie's legs start to shake. She quietly sighs- I can only hear it because I'm right next to her- and finally speaks. "So, Aria, I kind of called you hear to also talk to you about something."

Her attention focuses on Abbie as she stops scraping some frosting onto her fork from her plate. "Are you okay? What is it?"

"Yeah, just... Remember that day I asked you about ghosts?"

"Yeah, I remember. Why?"

"Well, I only asked because some weird stuff has been happening here..." She begins. "And before you jump to conclusions, just let me explain everything..." From there, Abbie explains nearly the same thing she told Markus about me. My death, her moving in, and so on and so forth. By the end of it, when Abbie finally stops talking and stares at Aria, anticipating a response, Aria is utterly dumbstruck.

"Abbie... This... You sound insane," Aria exclaims. "Markus, you don't believe this, right?!"

"I'm here to back Abbie up, actually. She's telling the truth, Matt is here right now."

"Look... Guys, I know you both seem to like the paranormal, but this is just a tad far..."

"I really exist," I say without thinking. Aria's eyes go wide, shocked.

"This can't be real, I-... How?"

Abbie interjects, "Look, I'm telling you this because this weekend- and this is going to make me sound like I've lost it- me and Markus are helping Matt kill his dad so Matt can be free."

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!"

"No, I made a promise to Matt I intend to keep."

"Did you drug this cake?!" Aria screams, pushing the plate away in disgust. "Are you trying to screw up my thinking?"

"No! Why would I drug you into thinking ghosts exist?!"

"I don't know! You also seem to be delusional, so who knows?!"

"Guys, stop!" Markus shouts over all of them. All attention goes to Markus, who has fire in his eyes. "Aria, first off, don't you trust your best friend more?! I know this all sounds crazy- but drugging you? Really? You heard Matt speak himself, what more proof do you need? We've eaten the cake too!"

Aria takes a deep breath. "Fine. So let's say maybe, just maybe this is all true. How is it even possible? And how are you even going to kill his dad?"

"Well," I cut in. "My mom gave me two rings. Putting a ring on transforms you into a ghost, but it's artificial, so therefore they can die as a human could. She's bringing the three of us to the afterlife for a couple of days in order to kill my dad who's keeping me here in this house."

"So pretty much, Markus and Abbie could die this weekend?!"

"Well, yeah, but we made a deal. Protect each other. We won't let anything happen to Abbie, Markus, or me."

"Is there any way I can convince you to not go?" Aria turns to Abbie. "Because you sound set on going, but don't you understand? You could easily die! Just like that!"

"I know, Aria... But I made a promise to him."

"You made a promise to a ghost who probably doesn't even like you. He just wants free. Why do you care so much?" Aria starts to tear up. Abbie is stunned and dead silence fills the air.

"Aria-" Markus begins to warn her, but Aria interrupts.

"-No, Markus. She's risking her life for some ghost who wants more than anything to be free. And for what?! That ghost probably doesn't even like her. Just taking advantage of her."

"Stop!" Abbie slams her fist on the table, tears slowly rolling down her bright red cheeks. "Shut up, Aria!" You can tell by her behavior that Aria's hurt her deeply in her heart.

"I'm trying to help you see what's really happening!" she defends.

"No! You're lying to her!" I yell, anger coursing through every inch of my body. "Stop it!" It seems all my emotions have gone haywire. I'm a mix between frustration and anger, but anger overruns every rational thought in my mind and I just want to scream until I'm not satisfied with screaming anymore. "Abbie, she's wrong. She's so wrong. I do want to be free, but once I am, I want to still be in your life. You mean so much to me, and not just because you're helping me." If I could cry, I would be sobbing right now. My voice shook as I tried to get out the words.

"Are you really going to believe him? Abbie, you mean nothing to him!"

"STOP! Make it STOP!" I shout, wanting to choke her. To end her. I shock myself with these desires, but I can't even control myself anymore. The way Abbie is holding herself together right now- by which I mean she isn't and she won't stop crying- brings such a strong wave of anger that I finally just completely lose it. "If you say one more word, I will snap your neck in half. Don't put those thoughts in her mind, don't suggest it, don't even think it because what you're saying is so false and brings so much pain to Abbie. I don't know how you can say it to her, see her cry, and continue to yell."

Aria stays quiet, her head tilted down to her lap. It seems I've won. Abbie and Markus both say nothing, giving each other certain looks. "You should probably go... But I only told you in case something were to happen. And because I'd be gone this weekend and you might get worried," Abbie urges. Aria slightly nods, rushing to get her shoes on.

She leaves and everyone stays silent, too scared to even murmur a word.

Forever a Ghost ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant