Abigail A. Springland

17 1 0

After explaining the entire situation to Markus, from Matt's mom appearing to the effects of the rings, he sits there absolutely dumbstruck. He picks up his ring and twirls it around between his thumb and pointer finger. Some of his long hair reaches into his eyes, but he doesn't bother to brush it away. "So... Once we're a ghost, what happens to our bodies?"

"I don't know," Matt replies, "I didn't have enough time to ask many questions about the rings. I suggest that if we do this, we lock the doors in case and go to a room where nobody could see us. I don't want anyone thinking we're dead."

"Deal. Markus, do you want to try it with me?" I ask.

Markus hesitates for a few moments before lightly shrugging and saying, "why not?"

The three of us lock all the doors and then decide to sit at the upstairs hallway where there are no windows. I lean against the wall, staring at the ring with uncertainty. "I'm scared," I state.

"I'm doing this with you, don't worry," Markus puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, but what will happen to us? Our bodies?"

"Don't think about that right now," he commands. "On the count of three, we're going to put these on. We're not going to linger on what could happen and just, without a second thought, put on the ring. Got it?"

I nod, "got it."

"Okay," he nears the ring towards his ring finger and I do the same to my own ring finger.



"Three." With the last number being called, I immediately slip the ring on my finger and wait. A second later, I don't feel any temperature, any aches from sleeping on the stiff couch, anything like that. I glance around and my breath hitches as he stares back at me, at a loss for words.

Exactly like my drawing.

Exactly like his picture.

Oh Lord, probably better looking right here.

His blue eyes say a thousand words he wishes he could say right now. Shock. Excitement. A plethora of emotions explode from merely his gaze centered on me. Just the right amount of reddish freckles are sprinkled across his cheeks. His rusty hair is messy, untamed, and a little curly at the ends. Seeing me stare, his cheeks turn a soft shade of pink.

"Oh my God," I choke on my words, "ohmygod I can see you! Oh my God!" I jump up and down in utter exhilaration. "Oh my God! I'm a ghost!" I exclaim, before looking down where I had been sitting. I jump back seeing my sleeping body. "Okay, that's a thing!" I hear Matt laugh a bit and I turn back to him. "This is really happening." I turn to Markus who is staring at his unconscious body, shocked, then back to Matt.

Matt moves closer to me and I impulsively jump into him, wrapping my arms around his ghost form. He tightly hugs back, burrowing his head into my shoulder. I can feel his skin, his clothes, his hair, everything but the temperature of his body... And I strangely want to cry from the intensity of all the emotions I'm feeling simultaneously. "I thought this moment would never come," he whispers into my ear. All I can possibly do is hug him tighter, confirming it's all real.

When we release each other, I'm beaming. "This is insane," I tell him. We're about eye level to each other, but he's a tad taller. He only grins back, his cheeks still covered by a warm pink, and turns to Markus. Markus stares at him, taking in everything, and offers his hand for a high five. Matt warmly chuckles and gives him the high five.

"So, you always feel like... This? It feels so empty," Markus questions.

"Always. You get used to it."

"So wait, what are we going to do after we kill your dad? Can we die as a ghost?"

"You guys can die just like you can as a human because you only have a ring that's making you a ghost. Since I'm actually a ghost, it takes certain weapons to kill me, at least that's what my mom told me."

"Interesting," Markus replies. "Do you know what particular weapons?"

"Not... Really. But she'll let us know more details in a week."

"Wait, we're going to... Actually be in danger?" I ask. It has just dawned on me that my life could truly be at risk in a week now that the initial euphoria has decreased.

"Well... I guess so... But my mom will try to keep the both of you safe at all costs. I know she will," Matt confidently states. "And I'll protect you in any way I can as well."

"Thank you. It's too late to turn back now, anyway," I smile at him. He gives me a goofy grin and quickly looks away.

"So... What do we do now?" Markus inquires.

"I don't know," Matt shrugs. "Do you guys want to test if you can leave the house?"

"Sure," I nod, walking down to the entrance. "Okay, ready Markus?"

"I guess," he stands next to me as Matt watches. With that, I unlock and open up the door and set one foot outside. Perfectly harmless. I bring my other foot out and now, I stand completely outdoors.

"Wow," I breathe, turning around to Matt and Markus. Markus walks outside and turns around as well to face Matt.

"I wish you could have this as well," Markus' face contorts into a sympathetic expression. "It's different when you're a ghost." Matt shrugs at what Markus tells him, obviously a little down that he can't join us, so I make my way back inside as Markus follows.

"Come on, I'm a little tired of being a ghost already- no offense, Matt- and I really want to eat right now."

"Alright, can I eat here?" Markus smiles hopefully.

"Sure," I nod, closing and locking the door once again. "On the count of three we take off the rings, okay?"



"Three." I slip the ring off my finger and immediately my eyes shoot open, which is a bit confusing because as a ghost, they had been open. I find myself back where I had originally put the ring on, laying slouched against the wall. I feel a static sensation filling my body and a rush of icy air meets my skin. "Oh God," I mutter.

Markus sits next to me, shivering. "I need to be buried in some blankets about now."

"What happened?" Matt asks.

"I... It's," my teeth chatter as I hug my body. "It's really cold. And my body is mostly asleep."

"I'll be right back," Matt quickly responds, his voice fading. I nod, slowly gaining the feeling in my hands once more instead of the tiny pinpricks that had been consuming them. I shut my eyes, waiting for it all to stop, and soon a heavy blanket is draped around me. I open my eyes and see a fluffy blanket cocooning Markus.

A small side effect of turning into a ghost. Minute, yet painful.

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