Abigail A. Springland

17 1 0

I say goodbye to Matt before closing and locking the door. A backpack sits on my shoulders filled with water bottles and a few snacks. Aria happened to not specify how long said hike would be, so better be safe than sorry. I enter into my car and sigh a little, anxiety growing. I'm very conflicted, on one hand I just want to get this over with and not try, but at the same time I hope I look good enough and don't mess this up.

As I drive there, I turn on some music to soothe my mind. Is Markus as nervous as I am?

When I arrive, I quickly take my bag from the seat next to me and take a deep breath. Okay. I've got this.

I don't have this, but I don't need to know that.

I get out and look at some of the cars parked in the hike trail parking lot. One car door opens and a man around my age stands up. He has brown hair that seems to be flowing right above his shoulders, but it's tied up with a hat also covering his head. He has no facial hair and hazel eyes, just like my eyes. "Please be Abbie Springland, I've already asked two people and two people are now creeped out by me."

"The one and only," I reply, trying to hide the shakiness of my voice. Oh God, I was not made for this.

"Thank God. I'm Markus Allen, Aria's friend," he offers his hand to shake. "I have no idea if this is appropriate and I haven't been on a date since I was 15, so I'm kind of terrified."

I laugh, a weight leaving my chest. "If it makes you feel better, my last date was at the swings in 3rd grade. His name was Sam."

"Did he at least push you on the swing?"

"Not even that. He talked to Maria the entire time."

"Maria ruins everything. At least I know I'm not the only awkward one here," he smiles at me. I smile back.

"Okay, I know nothing about this hike or the duration of it, so I brought water and snacks," I show him the bag.

"Wonderful, I know nothing either, so let us begin the journey. To that sign showing the trail!" He points to the sign at the entrance. It shows the trail curving through the forest, elevation ramping up near the middle of it, a trek across a river using only rocks and stones or the alternative option around the river, and finally looping back here.

"We're going across the river and not around it, right?"

"Of course we're going across it! We're living on the edge!" he laughs. "Now come on! I'm ready to get going!"

Together, we walk side by side in the trail, starting light conversation. I tell him about my hobbies and I find out he's very interested in the paranormal. Maybe he could talk to Matt sometime... Enough about Matt. I'm on a date with Markus and should be discussing other things than thinking about Matt. I tell him about my dream as an artist, my obsession with music, and try to keep the conversation off of my family.

Markus isn't so bad after all, I don't know what I was even worried about.


"We've got this! Come on!" Markus runs to the flowing river, looking back to me. "No falling! I don't want my clothes getting soggy!"

I snort a little and follow as he carefully steps on the rocks and stones. I make my way, stepping carefully on the center of each rock, and feel on top of the world when I jump to the other side of the river. "Woooo!"

"Yes! We're awesome!" he yells, offering his hand for a high five. I high five him and we continue to walk.

"Besides the paranormal, what else are you interested in?" I question.

"Well, the outdoors first of all. I love going on hikes and stuff. And reading, I love science fiction books and obviously ones involving ghosts and such. Uhh... I also play a lot of different board games as well. That's about it, I guess," he awkwardly laughs when he finishes.

"Ah, cool! I used to play board games a lot with my family."

"'Used to'?"

"Uhh, yeah. We kinda drifted apart."

"Oh, how come?" he asks, staring intently at me.

"Uhh..." I don't really want to tell him about my family yet.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, my curiosity sometimes gets the best of me," he nervously apologizes. "If I ever do that again, please just tell me if you don't want to answer. I can get a bit nosy without realizing it sometimes."

"It's fine. And yeah, I don't really want to answer that right now. A bit too personal."

"Understandable. Once again, I'm sorry."

"No problem. Stuff happens."

This is definitely going well... But yet I don't think I feel attracted to him romantically. I keep thinking about Matt, even when my mind should be off him for awhile. I just hope we can be friends after this, Markus still seems to be a pretty good friend.

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