Abigail A. Springland

17 1 0

I wake up later in the morning, about 11 AM. I had stayed up later with Matt, just talking with him until I couldn't bare to stay awake any longer. He really needed a late night with me... Poor Matt is so scared and insecure.

Today's the day, huh? The day I have to confront Mom about her thievery. I'm petrified to say the least. Anxious.

I take my phone from the bedside table, unplug it, and call Mom before I back out of this. After a few rings, she picks up.


"Hey, so, I need to talk to you about something," I say, my voice nearly quivering. I wonder if she knows what it's about. "Could you meet me at my house around two today? It's important."

"Yeah, sure. See you." She hangs up and I let out a breath of relief. She didn't protest or anything. I put down the phone, my hands shaking a little due to the anxiety of the meeting later. I better get it off of my mind for awhile.

I make my way to the kitchen, still a bit shaky, and rest my head on the counter. Immediately, I hear Matt ask, "are you okay?"

"No, I'm really scared. My mom is coming over at two so I can discuss her stealing, but ugh... I'm so scared about her reaction and what to say-"

"Abbie, listen to me," I feel a cold sensation resting on my right shoulder. "Whatever happens, whether it be denying it or admitting what she did, it's going to be sorted out. Don't ponder on what to say too much, you work tremendous under pressure like you did at the party. I'll be there the whole time, right beside you."

"Okay, okay yeah. I need to calm down and get my mind off of it. What should I eat?" I lift my head up from the counter and turn to the fridge, opening it up to see if there's anything particularly interesting.

"Do you want me to make you something? It's not french toast, but it's still really good... I think."

"Sure. Only if you want to, though," I agree, pulling up a chair to the counter. I patiently wait as I watch him pull out some ingredients from the fridge and cupboards, also pulling out a frying pan. Several minutes later and a delicious smell in the air, a plate with grilled cheese is placed in front of me.

"Bon appétit!" He declares. I grin, immediately lifting the sandwich to my mouth and taking a bite. As expected, it's delicious. The flavors dance in my mouth and it was cooking on the stove for the perfect amount, I can tell by the taste alone. I eat the rest of the grilled cheese in pleased silence and put the plate in the dishwasher, then check the time. 11:45.

"Ugh, there's still so much time until she arrives. Wanna do something?"

"Sure, like what?"

"A movie?"

"Sure." I run to the couch and jump onto one of the cushions, switching on the TV and feeling Matt's cold aura once again next to me. We discuss what to watch as time ticks by agonizingly slow.


1:45 PM. 15 minutes left.

I don't have this, but oh well.

I quickly dress in casual clothes and brush my hair, then taking a deep breath. I hope she doesn't insult what I'm wearing because it isn't formal. Waiting on the couch, I feel Matt right behind me.

"This is so scary," I tell him, fidgeting with my thumbs.

"I know. But you can do this. I know it must be hard knowing your mom stole from you and having to confront her, but trust me. You're strong and can get through this."

"Thank you," I nod. The doorbell is heard and I mutter, "here goes nothing."

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