Abigail A. Springland

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Markus and I race inside the store, only worried about the cake rather than the fact we might die this weekend. Except... We could die at any point in time from anything. The risk just seems to be enhanced in a week to us. "Okay, whoever is done first has to buy lunch," I inform him, raising my arm against his chest to stop him from moving any farther. "We'll each buy enough for one cake and just make two cakes."

"Deal. We start on three."



"Three." At the moment the word 'three' leaves my mouth, I feel my legs pumping forward. Markus turned a different way once we get to the aisles, but I focus my mind directly on getting the ingredients and winning.

I find myself face to face with dozens upon dozens of different cake mixes. I quickly scan my options, feeling under pressure to pick one as soon as possible, and snatch the cake mix with the most color- bright pinks, yellows, blues, and reds splattered throughout the mix- and skip to the frosting.

Markus meets my eyes and we stare at each other for a good three seconds before he sprints to grab a box of cake mix. I try my best to ignore him, picking up chocolate frosting, and the race continues.

Finally, I find myself at the checkout, juggling my items around in my arms. Sprinkles, abstract candles, I picked up nearly everything. Unfortunately for me, all the check outs were full. The shortest one I spotted had Markus at the very end.

Guess I'll be losing.

I walk behind Markus and sigh, defeat washing over me.

"Hey, good race," he raises his hand for a high five. I high five it, smiling.

"In my defense, I took longer because I was distracted by cake decorations," I show him all my findings and he chuckles.

"Of course you were."


We return home successful and immediately gather around the counter, showing off our choices to Matt. Markus had bought red velvet cake mix with red frosting and no other decorations. I, of course, picked the more interesting choice here.

It was quite uplifting to do something simple for awhile with the people I can be relaxed with. Aria is great- trust me- but... Ever since I told her about my belief in ghosts I've felt a bit more on edge when talking to her. I wish I could take it back... But now I have someone who believes me and I've never felt more at ease with someone besides Matt.

Now to think of it, we haven't really talked since after she set me up with Markus. I'll have to call her up before this weekend and... Maybe tell her what's actually going on. It's killing me to keep this secret from her but not from a guy I met within the past couple of months.

"Abbie? You okay?" Matt asks me. My eyes flick to where his voice came from, taken aback.

"Oh, yeah. Just deep in thought."

"About what?" Markus inquires, harshly tapping an egg against the counter. A satisfying cracking sound fills the air and he tosses the shell aside after emptying the egg into the bowl.

"Just... Aria doesn't know any of this is happening. I told her about my belief in ghosts and since then she's been kind of weird with me. She's not superstitious at all. I want to tell her what's happening in about a week if something happens to me."

"Do you want to invite her over for cake? I'll be here to back you up," Markus offers.

"Sure. That sounds good. But can we do that tomorrow? I... I just want to spend today carefree."

"Of course," Matt agrees.

"Thank you, guys."

"And I'll make sure nothing happens to you, you're going to live past this weekend," he promises.

"Just remember the deal... We protect everyone, not solely me," I remind him.

"Of course."

"Now come on, guys. Back to the cake!" Markus cheers. I find myself smiling as I take an egg from its package and hit it against the kitchen counter.


sorry for a short chapter! This is a bit of a filler and a breather until the climax! I hate large time skips and yall need some nice chapters without much drama. Get ready for the next one, it's pretty... Eventful to say the least.

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