Abigail A. Springland

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They aren't for me. Well, scratch that, ones that include my overbearing mom or oh-so-talented-and-better-than-Abigail sister aren't for me.

So pretty much, nearly every party I have ever been included in isn't for me.

As of right now, I not only have to clean what I can of my house, I have to somehow prepare enough food to feed... What? About six people? What about extra in case anyone wants seconds? On top of that, my mom expects only the finest foods for a sudden party at a dirty house. Just another opportunity to try to convince me every decision I make on my own is garbage.

At the very least, I cleaned the living room up a bit, brought my blanket back to my room, and tidied up the bathroom in any possible way... Although it's pretty hopeless until I can get new furniture and a new sink for it. There's permanent stains on the floor and it's overall unpleasant to look at with its color scheme of brown, dark green, and the color I can only describe as puke. Not pleasant at all.

I decide to screw it all and order pizza. They have their fancy dinner parties with a bunch of foods I can't pronounce, but in my house we eat what I order. Screw it all.

It's currently five, I have an hour until they arrive, and I hope to God they don't surprise me by getting here half an hour early. There's not enough time for this. I'm freaking out. There's still my unfolded clothes in the basket, unpacked boxes crowding the living room, and an undeniable overwhelmed feeling overtaking my chest. Screw Mom for making me go through with this with people I dislike. Screw all of this.

"Matthew!" I call out. I need help.

"Yeah?" a voice is heard from upstairs.

"You feeling better?"

"Yeah!" he responds, significantly closer to me than before.

"Could you please help me? I really need it. If it doesn't hurt you badly."

"Of course, what should I do?"

I instruct him to take care of any garbage in the house and unpack some of the boxes from the living room. He does so, going around the house to look for garbage, as I begin to fold my laundry. I've got this. We can do this.

Half an hour later, as I'm reviewing Matthew's job- he has an eye for my furniture, he knows exactly how the decorations should be arranged- my heart drops. Of course Mom has to come early. The doorbell had rung about two seconds ago.

"Well, I'm screwed. Plain and simple," I chuckle. Matthew doesn't reply. I approach the door before immediately realizing I'm not even dressed. I was too focused on everything else. I'm so stupid-! How could I forget that of all things! "Yep, screwed. Matthew, uhh... Ugh, you don't have a body. You can't stall for me. Well, I'm done for." I frantically run to my room, finding the fanciest item of clothing I can.

A dress.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess. I'd much rather wear shorts and my windbreaker, but whatever. I put the vibrant dress on, it's a blue one with flowers on it. If I bend down someone will be able to see my underwear, but screw it all. I quickly drag my brush through my hair before calling it good enough and running back downstairs, stumbling on the way, as I hear the doorbell once again.

I open the door and brace myself. Mom stands there, arms folded over her chest, a stern expression covering her face. Ashley is behind her, looking so much prettier and better than me, and I realize how clear it is I have nothing together. Ashley's friend confidently stands next to Ashley as she looks me over. Mom's friend looks a tad more nonchalant than the others, a neutral expression on her face until she smiles at me.

"Sorry, I was preparing last minute things."

"Mhm," Mom hums, a tad of sarcasm showing through.

"Come in," I unblock the doorway and the guests enter in. Mom immediately peers around, examining every inch of my house. The others slowly walk around, waiting for instructions. "The kitchen is in there if you want to sit at the table. Or else, you can sit in the living room."

Mom immediately walks to the kitchen, never holding her eyes on something for more than a couple seconds. The others split off in groups, Ashley and her friend walking to the living room as Mom's friend follows Mom. "What's going to be for dinner? I'm starving," Mom asks. Wait until she hears what I'm ordering.

"Well, since the party was on such short notice and I had to unpack quite a lot for this party, I'm just going to order some pizza," I tell her as she gives me a judgmental look.

"Extravagant. I'm sure you couldn't do any better," she frowns at me.

"With this small amount of time, probably not, considering all I had to do."

"Mhm..." she hums.

"I'll order it right now, sit tight," I tell her, walking towards the grand piano to sit away from everyone. I sigh. This is going to be a long night.

"Your Mom's a jerk," I hear a whisper. "I hate the expression she always has when she is looking at you." Matthew.

I nod, dialing the phone number for a local pizza place, whispering, "Yeah," in response. I hate that look too.

After I order some pizza, I walk back to my guests who are all chatting in the living room. Ashley smiles at me when she sees me. "So, any evil spirits yet?" she asks, almost jokingly. Kinda.

"Nope, Mom's just superstitious."

"I'm not! Two people were murdered here, I've heard stories of a teenage boy's voice being heard and the piano playing! Are you sure you haven't heard the piano playing? A boy's voice?"

"Mom, I'm sure," I sternly reply. Hearing a faint chuckle coming from the left of me- Matthew-, Mom's head shoots to the direction of his voice.

"What was that?!" she screams. I wince at her booming voice.


"I told you! This place is ruled by an evil spirit!"


"You need to leave this wretched house!"


She finally closes her mouth, staring at me. "What?!"

"That was probably nothing because why would an evil spirit haunt this house?! It might have been the TV or something! Calm down!" I snap at her. She rolls her eyes. The other guests awkwardly stare between the two of us as a silence fills the air. "Sorry, I just feel you're making a big deal of things. Let's just continue the party."

Everyone tries to resume the party, putting the awkward encounter behind us, but it's clear everyone is still thinking about it. Mom is unusually quiet, Ashley is trying to joke around with her friend, and Mom's friend won't stop staring daggers at me.

It's going to take a lot to get through this party.

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