Chapter 15 - Kidnapped

Start from the beginning

Obi-Wan glares up at him. "What do you want, Dooku?"

"I'm sorry our conversation had to happen like this," Dooku responds, entirely ignoring the question, "But I needed to speak with you privately, and I knew you would never agree to talk to me out of your own free will."

At that moment, another figure steps inside, face shrouded by a black hood. Vader. Obi-Wan studies him as he closes the door and takes up a position near it. He doesn't speak, and Obi-Wan can't even see his eyes. It's slightly unnerving, so he turns his focus back to Dooku instead.

"I suppose you're as sorry as you were on Geonosis," remarks Obi-Wan dryly.

Dooku doesn't respond to the gibe; in fact, he seems almost troubled by something. Finally, he keeps speaking, almost as though Obi-Wan hadn't said anything at all. "I have an offer to make to you. I would like you to help me destroy my master and end this war."

"Why would I do that?" questions Obi-Wan, only slightly surprised by the question. He'd already heard the same offer back on Geonosis. He hadn't agreed then, and he's not intending to change his mind this time. Why would Dooku think he'd agree?

"Because you're a Jedi," answers the Count matter-of-factly, "And you will do what is best for the galaxy, even if it's sometimes against your moral beliefs. Your little masquerade as Rako Hardeen proved that."

The Sith has a point, and Obi-Wan is willing to admit that privately. Still, he's not stupid. He won't help one Sith destroy another. He notices that Vader stiffens slightly when Dooku mentions the name. Curious. Is he perhaps upset that Obi-Wan foiled their plans? With a vague feeling of unease, he remembers that Vader had threatened him before the plan to kidnap Palpatine was implemented. Is this payback?

"It's not simply moral beliefs that prevent me from allying with a Sith," Obi-Wan retorts bluntly, "The Sith are after power. They don't care about the galaxy. There's a reason the Jedi have fought against them for centuries."

"You'll find it is you who are mistaken about a great many things, Master Kenobi," returns Dooku smoothly, crossing his arms. He's the complete picture of elegance. A true Sith Lord.

"Oh, please enlighten me."

"The Sith were not created for power, unlike the Jedi have been led to believe. Indeed, there were many of us who shunned gathering power to further our own purposes," the Sith Lord explains.

He's lying. Obi-Wan knows he is. At least he's mixing truths with lies to convince Obi-Wan of his sincerity. "And I suppose you're simply continuing this war for your own pleasure," Obi-Wan states flatly.

"You do misunderstand," Dooku responds, frowning slightly, "It was not I who started this war. It was my master, and I do not agree with him. His plans for the galaxy will entail complete destruction of the systems you currently know."

Scare tactics? Is that all Dooku has left? Obi-Wan almost rolls his eyes, but he checks himself. It's too juvenile a gesture for him. "And now we return to what you told me on Geonosis," he notes, "You said that the Sith Lord is in control of the Senate."

When Dooku nods in confirmation, Obi-Wan continues, "Who is he?"

To his credit, Dooku acts as though he wants to answer, but stops himself. "I will tell you everything, when you agree to help me." So stubborn. Obi-Wan represses a sigh.

"I won't help a Sith," he returns, raising an eyebrow.

Dooku looks slightly irked and begins pacing back and forth. A few times, he glances at Vader, possibly hoping his apprentice will say something to help him convince Obi-Wan, but he doesn't. No one speaks; a tense silence descends only broken by the sound of Dooku's footsteps.

"The fate of the galaxy is in the balance," Dooku's voice is low, his tone clipped.

"Yes," Obi-Wan agrees, nodding slightly, "But I will not help you. You betrayed the Jedi, and I refuse to do likewise."

It's clear the Sith Lord is becoming frustrated. He gives Vader a long look and seems to be on the verse of speaking but decides not to. Obi-Wan suspects there's a silent communication occurring between them, especially since Vader dips his head slightly. Without being able to use the Force, he has no way of knowing what they might be saying.

Obi-Wan shifts in his cuffs. He won't give Dooku or Vader the satisfaction of knowing that he's uncomfortable. Dooku steps in front of him, the complete picture of earnestness. "I would really recommend that you take me up on my offer. We cannot allow my master to continue with his plans unchallenged."

He glances at Vader again for a moment. The apprentice is still leaning against the wall in the shadows, his arms crossed. The black hood drawn up over his head conceals his face beyond any hopes of recognition. Why is he hiding like that? It probably doesn't matter. Obi-Wan needs to deal with Dooku, who is the main threat.

"I'm not interested in getting involved in a Sith power struggle," retorts Obi-Wan, "You certainly must think little of my intelligence if you believe that I'll join you." Vader snorts quietly, but Dooku doesn't react.

He just nods, "I think you will change your mind, Master Kenobi. Once you see how serious the threat is."

"Not likely," replies Obi-Wan, "I'll never join you."

"I think you'd better rethink that, Master," says Vader, straightening and pushing back his hood to reveal... Anakin?

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