Chapter 6 - The Face of Vader

Start from the beginning

Anakin just stares at him, a mixture of shock and uncertainty flooding him. But really, what would he have to lose? He could practice sparring while channeling his emotions with a person rather than the MagnaGuards he's been fighting. And he hates to admit that Dooku is right again, because he is.

A sigh escapes him, "Alright. I'll do it."

Dooku looks inordinately pleased. "Good. We do not have much more time to prepare. The bounty hunters who will be participating in the tournament will arrive in two days. The following day is the traditional Festival of Light on Naboo. Palpatine will be attending, and he will be under Jedi guard. The bounty hunters will kidnap him, and he will be delivered to us. We will finish him from there."

"It's a good plan," replies Anakin thoughtfully, "Provided everything goes according to plan."

"They won't," Dooku returns promptly, "I can assure you of that."

"Then we'll improve," Anakin states simply, "It's my specialty." And it is. Since he's eternally getting himself into tight situations, he's constantly being forced to think on the spot to save himself and everyone around him. That's why he's famous. He takes risks, and he's daring.

"I'm aware of your reputation, Skywalker," answers the Count, a hint of amusement in his voice, "And I do hope that your improvised plans won't cause more harm than good, especially since the stakes are so high."

"I can handle any trouble resulting from my plans," Anakin retorts, maybe too confidently. He can't always plan for everything, and he knows it, but that doesn't mean he won't pretend he can.

"Do not be too sure of yourself. It can be a weakness," cautions Dooku, "Now let's go spar."


"Remember one thing: never stop preparing for an attack from a Sith without a surrender or death," cautions Dooku. Anakin nods, tightening his grip on his lightsaber. Essentially, be careful because they might attack you with Sith lightning if they get disarmed.

The two circle one another, holding their blades at ready. Anakin attacks first, swinging towards Dooku. He blocks it, before sending a return strike towards Anakin's chest. Their lightsabers clash again, the speed of their attacks slowly increasing. Draw on your emotions. Channel them into your moves. Let them give you their power. Anakin lets the commands run through his mind as he struggles to follow them.

It's much easier than he'd originally thought it would be, but he's by no means skilled in fighting like that. Not yet. The red blades swing in unison, blocking and striking, parrying and lunging. They're locked in an intricate dance, neither party willing to give in. Anakin knows he probably won't win this sparring match. He might be very skilled, but Dooku is a master swordsman. He defeated both he and Obi-Wan on Geonosis. There's no reason he can't defeat Anakin alone.

But that doesn't mean the victory will be easy for him to get. Anakin Force leaps over Dooku, attacking again with a concentrated fury. He draws on his grief over losing Obi-Wan, and his hatred and anger for what Sidious is planning. The emotions surging through him give him power in a way he'd never thought possible. Now he's finally realizing what the Jedi have been missing.

They've let their fear of the Dark Side cloud their understanding of the nature of emotions, leading them away from the true path of the Light Side. The Light Side is not about hiding emotions; it's about accepting them. It's about acknowledging that everyone is mortal. No one is perfect. And love, he's beginning to realize, is the very center of it all.

Anakin dodges a thrust from Dooku's lightsaber barely in the nick of time. The duel is fast approaching an end. Love is the key. For the first time since Obi-Wan's death, Anakin allows himself to access his emotions for his brother. Despite his grief and pain, he still loves him, and now he reaches for those feelings, letting them flood him and fuel his movements.

It hurts – a lot – for him to think about Obi-Wan, but despite the ache, it also feels right to be letting his emotions go like this. And he keeps fighting, channeling his love for his brother into his movements, drawing on his skills with his lightsaber to push Dooku back.

Soon, he realizes that despite the constricting features of his armor, Dooku is on the defensive. He's becoming worn out, but he won't concede defeat. Narrowing his eyes, Anakin slashes towards Dooku's blade, hoping he can disarm him and end the duel. He sends a Force shove at him in the same moment. Dooku stumbles slightly, gracefully leaping aside and landing on his feet, but he drops his lightsaber. Smirking, Anakin calls it to his hand.

Letting out a deep breath, he lowers the blades, satisfaction surging through him. He did it. He beat Dooku. The Force gives him a warning, and he swings up his blade to block the next attack, but not fast enough. Dooku's Force lightning hits him, sending him flying backwards. He lands on the floor as agony runs through him. He'll never get used to the pain. A muffled groan escapes him as he lays there, partially stunned.

When he opens his eyes, Dooku is standing over him, lightsaber clipped to his belt again. "Let this be a lesson for you, Skywalker," he warns, not unkindly, "A Sith is never defenseless, and Sidious is just as skilled with Force lightning as he is with his lightsaber."

"Oh. Great," replies Anakin sarcastically, slowly pulling himself back to his feet.

"Which emotions were you channeling?" asks Dooku curiously, "You were much stronger than I've ever seen before."

A small, secretive smile hovers on Anakin's lips for a moment. "Love," he answers simply.

Dooku nods slowly looking thoughtful. "I think the Jedi truly underestimate the power of love," he comments, "It seems to be one of their biggest flaws."

"I agree," Anakin concurs, and he really does. Spending time with Dooku has opened his eyes to a completely new perspective of the Jedi Order. He feels much more confident in his own abilities, and his control over emotions has increased tremendously. No longer does he feel guilty over his secret marriage to Padme, especially now that he understands what love is about. Love is the essence of the Light Side, and as a Jedi, Anakin intends to hold onto it to resist the lure of the Dark Side.

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