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Kiara's POV

"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" Charlotte yelled as she ran into the kitchen.

"Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

"Can we go to the park?" she questioned, putting on her puppy dog face.

"Aww how can I say no to that face? Of course we can. Go and get your shoes and then we can go" I said, placing her back down on the floor.

I laughed to myself as I watched my little girl run towards her bedroom. How did I get so lucky, being able to call that little bundle of joy mine? Before I realised I was talking to myself, Charlotte came running back into the kitchen with her bright pink converse.

"Do you need any help?" I asked my baby as I walked over to her and sat her on the dining table.

I took the shoes out of her hand and put them on her feet. As soon as she was back on the floor again, she ran to the front door and waited for me.

"Come one baby, let's go" and with that we were out the door.

Once we got to the park, Charlotte tugged her hand out of my grasp and ran to the swing. I laughed to myself and ran after her.

"Mummy push me!" she squealed as she excitedly tried to get on the swing.

"Let me help you" I demanded as I put her on the swing and buckled her in.

After using the swings for a while, I thought it would be a good idea to go and get some ice-cream. We walked over to the ice-cream truck and waited in line for only a few short minutes. It was our turn next and the old man asked us what we would like.

"Umm can I get one two scoop waffle cone, mango and chocolate and one small cup with two scoops, one vanilla and one strawberry with sprinkles on the top please?" I asked politely.

The man nodded and handed us our ice-creams. As I turned around to leave, I bumped into the figure standing behind me.

"Oh shit I'm sorry" I said laughing. The guy just nodded his head and ordered his ice-cream. I turned back to Charlotte but she was already sitting on the bench happily eating her ice-cream. As I ate my ice-cream I could not get that guy out of my head.

His perfect ocean blue eyes, amazing blonde hair that was styled up into a quiff, his muscly arms, his outfit choice, and the hottest thing of all, his black lip piercing. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Charlotte tugged on my jacket.

"What's wrong honey?" I asked, turning my face to look at her.

"I'm finished my ice-cream so can I go and play again?" she asked smiling. How could I say no to her when she smiles like that?

"Of course, I'll be right here waiting when you get back okay?" I replied. She nodded and ran off.

I was on my phone scrolling through twitter when I felt a presence beside me, though I didn't look up from my phone. It wasn't until after about 5 minutes that the person beside me spoke up.

"Hey there" they mumbled.

I looked up and saw the guy that was standing next to the guy I bumped into earlier. This guy had bright red hair and an eyebrow piercing. He looked very familiar though.

"Hi" was all I said.

"I'm sorry but you just look very familiar. I couldn't help but notice that your smile is amazing and I feel like I know you from somewhere" he said blushing slightly. I was about to reply when Charlotte come running back from the playground all sweaty.

"Mummy! Mummy! I met a new friend" she said, pointing to the blonde guy I bumped into before.

"Charlotte, why are you talking to stranger's honey?" I asked as calm as possible.

"I fell off the slide and he helped me up mummy" she said laughing.

"Oh ok. Just be careful with strangers. He could of taken you away from me" I scolded playfully. I had totally forgotten that that guy was there until he cleared his throat.

"Oh yeah sorry...." I started but I couldn't finish because I didn't know his name.

"Michael" he said. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"Oh right, sorry Michael. This is my daughter Charlotte" I said, pointing to Charlotte who was currently sitting on my lap.

"She's your daughter?" he asked, quite surprised.

"Yeah, I had her young. I don't even know who the father is" I bowed my head in shame.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I just turned 18 a month ago" I replied.

"Hey look I gotta go but it was nice talking to you. Maybe we can exchange numbers and do it again sometime?" he asked, his eyes looking hopeful. I nodded and handed Michael my phone. He gave me his number and I did the same. I put my name in his phone as SexyThugKiara and he put his name as MikeySexyBeast. I laughed and said goodbye before watching Michael walk off and I did the same with Charlotte.

"Mummy was that my daddy?" Charlotte suddenly asked.

"Oh God no! Honey he is just a friend" I replied, putting on a fake smile.

I feel so bad for Charlotte. She is always asking for her daddy and every time she sees me talking to a guy she automatically thinks he is her daddy and that scares him away. I haven't had a boyfriend or haven't even been on a date in three years. The last date I went on was with a guy named Daniel and that was two months before Charlotte was conceived.

"Who is my daddy?" she asked, her eyes were glossed over.

"Sweety can we please not talk about this now?" I asked, hoping she would drop it.

"Ok mummy" and with that she shut her little mouth.

"Charlotte I love you, you know that right?" I asked. She didn't say anything; she simply just nodded her head.

As we approached our front gate, I got a text.

From: MikeySexyBeast

Hey, I can see you.

Michael :)


To: MikeySexyBeast

Creepy much. Where are you?

Kiara ;)

I got a reply within seconds

From: MikeySexyBeast

I'm in my bedroom. My house is across the road from yours but two houses down

Michael :)

I didn't reply after that and took Charlotte up to bed. The poor thing fell asleep in my arms on the way home.

Where's Daddy? // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now