"My baby!" Dean smiled. Jessica smiled with him. "Now I just got to get this stupid thing off and I can drive again." Dean motioned to his cast.

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Typical Dean."

"So how is it out there?" Sam asked Bobby. The man had walked over towards the kitchen counter and poured some coffee into his cup.

"Weird with a side order of bloody." Bobby replied. "Talked to a few hunters. They're running into the same kind of thing that set up shop at that hospital." Bobby placed his cup down onto a table and sat down.

"Yeah, and don't forget tried to kill us at your place." Dean stated.

"Well," Bobby sighed. "Consensus is they're, um, they're like shapeshifters only a lot more into eating folk."

Jessica shivered.

"And nothing can kill em'."

Dean nodded his head. "Good times. Anything else?"

"Yep, they bleed black goo." Bobby looked over at Dean.

"Like that stuff that came out of Cas—" Sam was looking at his brother as well. "Those things from Purgatory. Uh... Leviathan."

"Yep." Bobby sighed again.

"What about those chompers that you and the sheriff saw at the hospital?" Dean asked. "They still making spleenburgers?"

"Yeah, made some calls. That doctor never showed back up to work. Ditto a nurse and some administrator. They took off." Bobby scratched his head. "They could be at any hospital in America."

"What do you think, Sammy?" Dean asked his brother.

Jessica tilted her head to the side as she looked at Sam. His eyes seem to be staring into space.

"Sammy?" Dean still couldn't get his brother out of his trance. "Hey, ground control! Sam!"

Sam snapped out of it and looked between Bobby and his brother. "Yeah, What? I'm—I'm right here."

"You okay?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Sam replied calmly.

"Good." Bobby shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Every last bit of info I ever had burned down, so..."

"What about this place?" Jessica motioned to the room they were in.

"Yeah, Bobby. Did Rufus leave anything? Did you check the basement?" Dean asked.

Bobby scoffed "C-rations and dust. I don't think he'd been here in years. So, I got to go round up my old library."

"I thought you said most of those books were one-of-a-kind." Sam said.

"Yeah. That's why I stashed copies all over the place." Bobby smiled.

Dean nodded his head. "Hey, two legs. We're fresh out of grub. Want to make a run?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Sure. yeah."

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