Miya x Zilong ♤ A few minutes

520 10 5

439 words

Requested by KearaJay-d

I hope you enjoy! <3

Sorry it's so short! Have to publish something so you guys know I'm not dead lmao

Miya was quietly walking through the forest, her bow in hand. She was searching for a deer, or some sort of animal for her dinner. She needed to find something quick, the sun was starting to set.

She then spotted something moving in the bushes and crouched down, readying her bow.

The thing then popped out and turned to Miya.

But it wasn't an animal like she was hunting for, it was Zilong. 

"Zi! What are you doing here?" Miya said as she lowered her bow. Zilong flashed a smile at her. 

"Well I was wondering through the forest just looking for some berries, I am famous for my blueberry pie after all." He replied, laughing. Miya smiled.

"Ah.. for a minute there you were going to become my dinner." Miya sighed and put her bow away.

Zilong smirked. "I could become dinner still."

Miya blushed and stuttered. "A-Ah well that's cannibalism isn't it?"

Zilong shook his head, smiling. "That's not exactly what I mean but whatever floats your boat."

Smiling, Zilong walked over to her and held her hand. "Miya.. I don't.. Mm..."

Miya tilted her head. "Is something bothering you Zi?"

Zilong sighed and grasped her other hand. "Miya.. I need to tell you something." He said as he looked at her, his face turning serious and slightly nervous.

She nodded. "I'm all ears."

He took in a deep breath. "Miya I really like you, like like you."

To say Miya was shocked was an understatement. Yeah she knew Zilong would flirt with her and make jokes but he did that with almost every girl he came across (and Ling, for some unknown reason).

So Miya stood there, jaw dropped as Zilong looked at her worried.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have scared you like that.."

Miya then snapped out of it, replying almost immediately. "No Zi I do too.."

Zilong's sadness cleared, his face lighting up into a bright smile. "Really? You feel the same?"

Miya nodded, smiling back. "Yes I do."

Zilong cupped her cheek with his hand, lightly whispering. "Could I kiss you?"

Miya blushed and nodded. "Y-You may.."

Zilong sent one last smile at her and leaned in, kissing her softly. Miya immediately kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

In the minutes the kiss turned heated, Zilong's hand roaming around Miya's sides and Miya pulling Zilong as close as possible. She then pulled away, slightly smiling.

"That was a kiss huh?"

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