Harley x Harith ♤ date of fate

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917 words

Requested by FateOfShadows

I hope you enjoy! <3

"Harly I swear if you do anything stupid in front of Nana I will kill you."

The magician laughed at the fuming Leonin, who was giving him an Intense glare.

"Fine fine, but on one condition." Harly said as he chuckled. 

"And what is that?"

"If Nana doesn't like you, you have to go out with me."

Harith's eyes widened and he gasped.

"What! But that's like-"

"Gay? So what? Many of the heroes have come out already, like Ling and Zilong! They have a very strong relationship!"

Harith sighed, "Fine but as long as you don't mess up the time I have with Nana."

"I won't!" Harley smiled at Harith.

Little did Harith know, magicians always have tricks up their sleeves.

♤ Time skip to the date ♤

Harith was nervously waiting at Nana's door, he was wearing a suit and had a blue tie on, he had also brought Nana pink flowers.

The door finally opened to reveal Nana, Miya behind her with a hand on her shoulder.

She was wearing a pink knee high dress with a pink necklace to match, her shoes were also pink.

"These are for you," Harith said as he flashed a smile to Nana, she smiled back and took the flowers.

"Thank you Harith."

Harith nodded and extended his hand to her, which she took and waved goodbye to Miya.

"Where are we going?" Nana asked as Harith led her to a unknown place. Harith chuckled.

"You'll see."

Nana huffed and looked at the scenery, passing by houses and trees, some wild animals here and there.

They reached Harith's house. Nana was slightly confused but rolled with it none the less.

Harith led Nana to his backyard, where beautiful lights were hung and a big gazebo was in the middle of the grass.

"Wow Harith... I don't know what to say," Nana said in awe, everything looked so nice.

"That's okay, you don't need to say a thing," Harith smiled and walked over to the gazebo, their hands were now interlocked.

The two a sat the the table that was in the gazebo, a single candle was in the middle of the table.

Harley then came over to the two, a little jelly but forced a smile on his face.

I just have to do this, then I get Harith.

Harley interrupted their talk with a 'ahem'.

"Harley! Wow I didn't know you would be here," Nana said suprised as Harley chuckled.

"Well Harith did promise me something," he said to Nana as he side glanced Harith, who lightly blushed.

"A-anyway what are you here to do Harley?"

"Ah yes, let me go get your dinner!" Harley smiled as he winked at the two, Nana giggled.

Harley speed walked back inside the house and grabbed the finished meals, then returned to the 'couple'.

"Thank you Harley! This looks so good! Right Harith?" Nana complimented as she dug in, Harith was already eating as he gave Harley a thumbs up.

Harley chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck nervously, then said,

"Remember Nana, I'm not your date he is," he pointed to Harith as Nana laughed.

"I guess you are right."

Harley smiled one more time before walking off and into Harith's house, he then thought to himself,

I'm in my crushes house all by myself.

Halrey chuckled, then remembered what Harith said about being in his house.

"You can't go into my room or the basement, but the living room, kitchen and bathroom are fine as long as you don't ruin anything."

Harley sighed then sat on the couch and turned on the T.V. Nothing he liked was on so he just switched to random channels. The door to the back then opened.

"Harley?" Nana called, but what was she doing inside?

"Nana?" Harley mumbled as he stood up and walked towards her.

"I don't know what to do and I need your help!" Nana said as she waved her hands around nervously.

"Nana calm down its okay, just be yourself and you will be fine!" Harley said, trying to calm down his Leonin friend.

"Tell Harith that he was sweet, but I don't think I can do this..."

Harley widened his eyes in surprise, then held her wrist.

"Are you sure about that? I mean, Harith really likes you Nana..."

Nana sighed, "I know but he could find someone way better than me."

Harley was confused. They were having a great time just a second ago, what made Nana think this way?

"Nana what made you think this way?" Harley asked, his worry spreading even further.

"I don't know, but I have to leave."

Nana ripped her hand out of Halrey's grip and ran to the front door. He was planning to do something for them that would anger Harith but he never thought she would ran out on him.

He sighed and looked outside to the backyard, Harith was still there patiently waiting for Nana.

Harley then went outside to talk to Harith. Once Harith heard the news he started tearing up.

"Harith I'm sorry, I never found out why she ran out..."

Harley comforted Harith until he was done crying, then the two hugged.

"Thank you Harley but what should I do?" Harith asked as he broke the hug. Harley shook his head.

"There is nothing you can do, but you can open your eyes and see that I have always been here for you."

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