Vailr x [F] reader ♤ fight

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Requested by NyxEllia0

I hope you enjoy! <3

I hope you enjoy! <3

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Vailr looked at Y/n with an angry look. She was out with his brother, Vale, again this morning. What were they doing almost all day while he waited for her to come home?

Y/n came into the door with a smile on her face, it slightly faltered when she saw Vailr with an angry look on his face.

"Y/n, we need to talk."

Y/n sat on the couch were Valir was seated and looked at him, a questioning look on her face.

"Why have you been hanging out with my brother so much?"

Y/n took a deep breath in. She knew this question would be coming, but why couldn't it come later?

"W-Well, Vale and I just love going to different places and he cares about me."

Y/n looked down. She messed up. Shouldn't have said the cares about me part nope, nope, nope.

"So I don't care about you? So I don't love going places with you?!" Vailr yelled. He wasn't much of a calm person like his brother, he was more of an 'I'm going to yell then kill you' type of person, except he didn't kill people (Vale stopped him whenever he got panicked calls from one of his friends).

"I-I'm sorry Vailr!" Y/n put her hands up, defending herself.

Vailr was a kind, sweet boy when Y/n first met him. But over time he grew into a person Y/n wouldn't even think he could be years ago.

He was abusive, at times.

Y/n wanted to leave Vailr, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She hoped every day that Vailr would get better and realize all the things he has done to her. Someday he could change, right?

Someday seemed like a long time from now.

"You are not going to hang out with him every day from now on! Do you hear me?!" Vailr yelled into her ear, pulling her hair in the process.

Y/n nodded and was then pushed to the floor, Vailr stood up.

"I'm going to get something to eat, anything you want?"

Y/n again shook her head. Vailr shrugged his shoulders.

"Your loss." he smugly said while walking to the kitchen. Y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, then stood up.

She looked around, even if it was her house sometimes Vailr would change things. It seems like he didn't this time.

Sighing, she went to her shared room with Vailr and got changed into PJ's, grabbed her phone, then laid down on her bed to watch Youtube.

After she had watched a few random videos, Vailr came into the room, a grim look on his face.


Y/n took out her earbuds and looked over to Vailr, a 'what the heck do you want from me?' look on her face.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you... And grabbing your hair..." Vailr looked down, he was disappointed in himself. 

"Vailr, come over here."

Y/n called him over to the bed with a smile on her face. Vailr slowly walked over and joined her in bed.

"I'm so sorry Y/n... W-why am I like this?" Vailr mumbled as tears started to fall from his face. Y/n put her phone aside and wiped his tears. Then placed her hand on his cheek.

"Vailr, even if you do these things, I still love you. To be honest, I never knew why I still did when I knew that I had to leave you. But I couldn't do it."

Vailr looked at her with a sad look in his eyes. Then spoke,

"Y/n, you should have left. You should have left my sorry ass on the street and never came back..."

Y/n sighed as she leaned in and pecked his lips.

"I would never do that to you, Vailr."

Vailr's lips turned into a small pout. Y/n chuckled at him.

"Can we cuddle?" Vailr asked. Y/n softly smiled at the mage.

"Sure, we can cuddle all you want."

Vailr smiled as he wrapped his arms around her form. She did the same.

"Please don't ever leave me Y/n, I don't think I could live with myself if you did."


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