Leomord x Lunox ♤ into the unknown

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1035 words

Requested by ladymisanthropist

I hope you enjoy! <3

I hope you enjoy! <3

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Lunox just remember to keep your father close to you, even if he has lived here for years he still can't find his way through the forest," ma laughed as pa gave her a small smile and chuckle.

"I know Hon, this man is getting old y' know? Same with you."

Ma sighed, "I know, but that's another story for another day, you two have to get going."

Lunox hugged her mother one more time before walking out the door with pa while waving bye to her, she followed behind pa until she couldn't see her or the house.

"So, what are we doing today pa?" Lunox asked as pa pulled out a map.

"We need to find some flowers for the dining room table and for dye, then we need something for dinner tonight."

Lunox nodded, "I'm going to use my magic to kill an animal, right?"


"No you aren't going to kill an animal, ma is going to make soup."

Lunox nodded as she stepped over a few roots, then looked over to the beautiful wildflowers that grew around the place.

"Pa! Flowers!" Lunox excitedly said as she ran over to them, pa following closely behind her.

"Indeed! Now pick a few and we'll bring them back for ma," He said as he put his map back and then continued, "Why don't you make a flower crown with them? One for ma and one for you."

"Really?!" She exclaimed stars seemed to shine in her eyes as pa chuckled.

"Yup kiddo, go ahead and pick some!"

Lunox happily ran into the flowers and curiously looked at many of them, they had different colours and different types of petals. It was absolutely amazing to see all the variety of flowers.


"Lunox? You have some flowers?" Pa came over to her and smiled at the sight of her practically dancing in the flowers.

"Looks like you got alot! Holy Moly!" She giggled at his surprised reaction as he chuckled.

"Let's go now kiddo, I got the other things so we can leave now."

Lunox nodded as she smiled.


"Then let's start heading back pa! Ma has soup to make and I have flower crowns to make!" She said, giggling as she skipped ahead of him. She also handed him the flowers she had picked so he could put it in his bag.

"Okay kiddo, just wait up for me okay? I'm not getting any younger." He said worried but smiled anyway.


The two started to walk together and talked up a storm. Mainly just Lunox blabbering about random stuff including nature and it's beauty, and her father nodding and laughing with her, commenting here and there.


Lunox stopped walking suddenly, her father stopped with her confused.

"Lunox? Are you okay kiddo?"

Lunox didn't respond. A blank look was on her face and her father started to panic. To know she was just bouncing around with a wide smile on her face.

"Lunox?!" Her father frantically searched for anything that he thought had hit her. Nothing was there. Her eyes started turning white.

"No no no no please..." her father mumbled as tears started to fill his eyes, he wiped them ways in a hurry.

Lunox's head turned to the side, then her body did the same and she started walking. Her father felt relief that she was moving, now he just needed to figure out what was happening to her. He followed behind her and fastened his pace slightly.

A little while after ♤

The two arrived at an abandoned castle-like fortress. It looked very old, bricks were coming off and one of the towers was completely destroyed, banners and flags were torn. Everything looked a mess. Lunox kept walking and into the castle, her father reluctantly walked behind her.

They seemed to walk into a different castle. Everything looked brand new and well taken care of, it was nothing like the outside of the castle. Banners were hung and golden mini statues were on tables along the sides of the hall. It was absolutely stunning.

At the end of the hall was a big golden door, it seemed like a very important room. But once they reached the end of the hallway Lunox turned to her father with that same blank expression on her face.

"Do not follow me in, I don't need you for this."

Her father nodded. He didn't really want to go in anyway but it was for Lunox, he was worried.

She opened one door and was greeted by an instant cold. But she kept her blank face and walked on to the throne in the middle of the room by the wall.

She suddenly fell to the ground and gasped. She was back to normal.

"Lunox... I have been waiting for you."

Lunox looked up to see a ghost woman on the throne. She had chains on her wrists and ankles, she also wore an evil grin on her face.

"W-who are you?" Lunox asked, her voice laced with fear.

The woman chuckled, "I am Vexanna, the ruler of this fortress," she said as she put her hands up as to tell Lunox all of it was hers.

"You're the queen?"

"Indeed, but that is besides the point. I want you to meet one of my guards."

"Why?" Lunox asked, confused as to why she would need to meet this man.

"He is getting sick of this place, even if he lives here. He needs someone to cheer him up and someone who has a good attitude, that someone just happens to be you."

"M-me?" Lunox questioned and Vexanna nodded her head, starting to get a little impatient.

"I'm going to call him now, and just so you know his name is Leomord."

Vexanna snapped her fingers and a green cloud of smoke popped out of thin air, making it hard to see.

After the smoke cleared, there stood a tall knight. He too looked like a ghost. His skin was pale and he had black hair, his eyes seemed lifeless.

"Hello miss, I'm Leomord. I hope you can heal what's broken in me."


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
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