Zilong x [F] reader ♤ portal

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1042 words

Requested by Albinowolfy02

I hope you enjoy! <3

Zilong stood at the edge of the mountain just above the orient, this is a spot Zilong would go to when he feels sad or disappointed with himself.

Baxia noticed Zilong's sadness all day long, and he knew why.

Baxia climbed the mountain to talk to Zilong, knowing he would probably not tell the others about his problems.

Once Baxia reached the place Zilong was standing, he walked up to him and patted his back in a comforting way.

"Zi, I think it is time..." Baxia said as he tried to calm him down, Zilong shook his head in response.

"If I'm going to do this, you need to come with me or at least Ling can come with me."

"Its too dangerous to bring both of you to Earth and you know that I train the younger and uprising oriental fighters." Baxia replied sternly. Zilong looked down at his feet.

"I won't know what to do when I get there! I'll most likely be-"

"Its okay. I have arranged you with my old friends daughter to live with, she knows about us and was been waiting for your arrival."

Zilong's eyes were wide. "But I thought that no one knew about us?"

"Just a simple white lie. I have had a life long friend who I met on Earth when I went for my initiation." Baxia chuckled, recalling the memories of his time on Earth.

"It's easy to live among humans, you can actually go out more since you are half human." Baxia smiled at Zilong, he started smiling with him.

"I guess you are right, Thank you Baxia."

"It was no problem Zi." Baxia's smile got wider. "You know what to do if you're in trouble right?" He questioned as Zilong nodded.

"Just say 'the great dragon' three times."

"Good. Now let's get you to the portal."

Baxia led Zilong off the mountain and to one of the forbidden rooms in the orient.

Once they got in the room, Zilong gasped at how big the portal was.

"This was under here for how many years and I didn't know?" He asked as Baxia laughed.

"Yes, many others don't even know of this place. You, Ling, Wanwan and I are the only ones who know of it."

"Wow..." Zilong awed as the portal turned blue. It was originally purple.

"This portal should take you to the girls house, but make sure you don't scare her." Baxia said as he patted Zilong on the back once again. Zilong nodded.

"Take this." Baxia said as he handed Zilong his spear.

"Here I go."

With that Zilong entered the portal. Once he entered it he felt weird and tingly, almost like it was sucking the energy out of him.

Once he reached ground he then whispered. "Hallelujah."

Then passed out.

♤ With Y/n ♤

While Y/n quietly watched T.V with once of her favourite beverages in hand, she heard a loud thump come from upstairs.

She put her beverage down and got up to check the noise, once she got upstairs she remembered what her mom had told her.

"Someone will be coming today, he will not know how it is to live as a normal human because he is from a different land. One full of fighting and torment. You need to care for him for a few weeks then he will be out of your hair once he is ready."

Y/n shook her head and checked the room the noise came from. As soon as she opened the door, a breeze rushed to her face.

"Oh my..." she breathed as she saw the body of a man lying on the ground of her room. 

Mom was right.

Y/n went closer to the man. He was wearing some sort of armor, with green and gold decorating it.

She then noticed a spear not too far away from the man. It looked very detailed with many carvings by the top of the spear.

Y/n tapped the man. "Sir? Wake up."

The man let out a groan and then turned to Y/n. He looked at her for a minute before widening his eyes and getting up, Y/n fell in the process.

"Oh- I'm sorry!" He quickly helped her up and brushed her off. Y/n shook her head.

"No I was the one looming over you,  I shouldn't have scared you like that."

Zilong smiled. "Funny, my mentor told me not to scare you but it looks like we did the opposite of that," he chuckled.

Y/n also smiled.

"What's your name?" She asked and scratched her cheek.

"My name is Zhao Yun but call me Zilong." Zilong replied as he looked around the room. "What would your name be?" He asked.

"I'm Y/n." She replied with a smile on her face. She then grabbed his hand.

"You must be starving! I'll make you something to eat."

With that, Y/n led Zilong to her dinning room table and told him to wait. Zilong then noticed his hunger when he smelt something very good cooking.

"Do you have any allergies?" Y/n asked as she stepped back into the dinning room. Zilong shook his head.

"Great! It's almost done." Y/n winked at Zilong, he lightly blushed.

"What are you making?" Questioned Zilong. Y/n put a finger to her lips.

"It's a suprise, you'll love it trust me." She said as she smirked and went back to the kitchen.

Zilong waited for food to cook and as he did he looked around. The dinning room was nice, it was mainly wooden furniture and decorations with (F/C) in some spots and on the walls. It was like that in the whole house, it was the same in that room Zilong had passed out in so he just assumed.

"Done!" Y/n said and put two bowls of stew on the table, one in front of Zilong and the other just across from him.

"This looks good, thank you Y/n." Zilong said and took a spoonful of stew, already loving it.

"You're welcome Zilong, we still have alot more to know about eachother so let's start here!"

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