Granger x Gusion ♤ stars and bars

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1021 words

Requested by Soramacchiato

I hope you enjoy! <3

You requested a smut and I'm sorry but I couldn't do it ;^; I thought I could but I was wRoNg. I won't be doing smut but I can do make out scenes ;]

The bar was crowded with people, each in their own little world talking to eachother. They were drinking of course, it is a bar after all. Gusion wiped down the counter and got started on another drink, working his magic and making it with ease. The people around looked dazed by his talent and cheered him on.

He loved the bar. It was his favourite job so far. Everyone was so lively and open it was impossible for fights to happen.

Well only when new people came in fights happened.. or when someone wasn't welcome.

Gusion looked along the crowed, which by now had started to disappear since it was getting late, and spotted a new customer.

He was tall, had a sort of homemade jacket on which covered half his face, had black hair with a white streak in it and had almost red eyes, but Gusion assumed they were just dark brown.

The man walked up and sat himself on one of the counters stools, Gusion walked over with his usasul smile.

"Anything I can get you sir?" He asked, putting his hands together.

The man hummed. "Maybe your phone number?"

Startled, Gusion slightly moved away. "M-my what?"

"I don't like repeating myself but since you're cute I'll let it go, I said maybe your phone number?"

Gusion blushed and took out a cup, put ice in it and grabbed his shaker.

"Well only if I can get your name."

The man immediately replied back. "Granger."

Gusion stopped in his tracks. "Did you j-just say-?"

"Yeah, Granger the Death Chanter."

Gusion gulped. "I think y-you need to leave.."

Granger sighed and got off the stool.

"Could I talk to you? Privately?"

Gusion shook his head. "I have a feeling about you.."

"I hope it's not hate."

Gusion cracked a smile, shaking his head. "Nope not hate."

He then sighed. "It's more like... I don't know.. some sort of reassurance."

Granger raised a brow. "How do you feel reassured by my presence?"

Gusion blushed. "Don't ask m-me."

Granger wanted to let out a laugh, but there were too many people in the room. He wanted to keep his title up.

"Look. Why don't you stay here until my shift is over? I kinda want to talk to you more.."

Granger smiled from under his jacket and took his seat back. "Sounds nice, as long as I'm looking at you."

Gusion smiled, his blush worsening. "W-Well that's great.."

So, Gusion served the other people that came in while Granger waited, watching his every move.

♤ A few minutes later, the bar is closed ♤

Gusion cleaned the remaining trash around the bar and walked over to Granger, smiling still. 

"So what was so important that you wanted to talk to me about?"

Granger smirked but Gusion couldn't see that, so he cleared his throat.

"Well I wanted to take you on a date. You seem interesting and I want to get to know you better."

Gusion's smile got wider. "Yes I'd love that, I want to get to know you better too."

Granger got off the stool and reached out a hand. Gusion shook it, his hand seemed so small In Granger's.

"I wanted to take you somewhere high, are you afraid of heights?"

Gusion shook his head. "Nope."

With that, Granger took his hand and exited the bar. Gusion had to lock the door before following Granger to the mountain.

"Why are we here?" Gusion questioned as he walked up the steep rocks. Granger didn't want to go on the trails for some reason.

"There is a spot up here that I go to. It has a wonderful view of the city." Granger replied, his hand still interlocked with Gusion's.

"Well why don't we go to the trails?"

"This place doesn't have trials that lead to it."

Gusion hummed. "Where is it then?"

Granger shook his head. "Just alittle farther, it's still a ways up."

Gusion nodded and trudged on beside Granger, he was getting kinda tired.

"And here we are."

Gusion looked up to see an empty clearing, just by the edge he could see the lights of the city.

He ran up and dragged Granger behind him, eyes shining.

"This is so cool!" Gusion smiled at Granger. Granger swore he was the sun for a moment, if only it wasn't night then he'd actually believe that.

Granger was also smiling, but the man beside him couldn't see it.

"Yeah, I know. I come up here to relax sometimes."


"I have a title to keep, shortie."

"I'm not short!"

Gusion huffed and shook his head as Granger laughed. Damn his laugh was kinda cute.

"Why don't we sit?" Granger said, slowly lowering himself down onto the ground. Gusion did the same.

"Looking at the city lights, stars and moon in the sky.. it's so calming." Gusion said, chuckling. Granger hummed.

"I told you." Granger mumbled, shaking his head.

He then got confident, and took off his jacket. Gusion looked kinda shocked.

"Did you just-?"

"Yeah, I did."

Granger then cracked a small smile.

"What? Is it new seeing someone so handsome?" He smirked as Gusion blushed.

"N-No! I look into the mirror all the time so.."

The two laughed.  Gusion didn't even mean to say that but it worked out. Granger's laugh was definitely cute.

They quieted down, and another question appeared in Gusion's mind.

"So.. I never knew the Death Chanter would be gay." He laughed. Granger shook his head.

"Bisexual actually. I'm guessing your gay?" Granger questioned, slowly wrapping his arm around Gusion.

Gusion nodded. "Men are pretty cute, no offense to the ladies."

Granger laughed. "It's already been a few minutes since I've met you, but your very attractive and I really like you."

Gusion blushed. "Thank you.. Granger."

"Not a problem. Can I still have your phone number?"

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