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Here are the answers to your questions! It took awhile to get this out! Sorry ;^;

Coronaile asked:

"Who is your favorite shipperino?"

Rafaela x Argus is! (Idk if it has a name, but I call it Rafagus). Since I am also a Rafaela main it's just cute to have them on the same team! (Even if it's rare ;^; I want to play with an Argus mainnnn)

legitimatechels asked:

"what editing app do u use for ur banners? and can u share the process owo?"

I use Canva! It's a great app to make book covers too! I don't have any special things for it though, but it's still fun and easy to use! I can't show you a video sadly but I definitely would take you through the process!

legitimatechels also asked:

"What hero do u want to get but can't?"

I WANT TO GET ARGUS! I have been wanting to get him but I keep forgetting and getting a different hero ;^; I have a skin for him as well! (Light of Dawn which is DoPe) I am also broke cause I just got Wanwan :((

Thank you are your questions! Feel free to ask any others and I'll answer! Love you guys! <333

(Also if I miss your request please remind me! I may have forgotten ;^;)

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