Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight pt.2

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940 words

Requested by ladymisanthropist

I hope you enjoy! <3

After baking and eating almost all the chocolate chip cookies, Lunox had suggested watching a movie, a horror one of course since she just loved horror movies. Leomord had agreed to her request and were now watching Goosebumps since Leomord hated almost all the horror movies Lunox liked.

Here they were as they laughed at the "scary" parts, cuddling and eating popcorn, they had already finished off the cookies much to Lunox's dismay.

Once it was over, Lunox was fast asleep in Leomord's arms, to which he smiled.

Since Leomord had many things to do for his queen, Vexanna, he didn't have alot of time for Lunox as much as he used to. Lunox understood his situation, but he couldn't help but feel guilty for her. Having to wait until late at night for the one you love isn't a thing you would want to do daily, but she somehow pushed through and still managed to love Leomord, which he was grateful for.

He quietly picked her up bridal style and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll try to do more for you and us," he mumbled as he smiled at her small figure.

He brought Lunox into his room and sat her down on his bed, he was about to climb in with her when a knock at the door stopped him.

"Leomord? I know you are in there, open up."

He knew that voice. It was Vexanna, probably going to give him another quest.

He internally groaned as he opened the door to see, indeed, it was Vexanna standing there with glare on her face. That glare never left her face, or that's what it seemed like.

"Yes, my queen?"

"I need you to accompany me to the garden, I have something important to talk to you about."

Leomord nodded, "may I ask what you want to talk about?" He asked. Vexanna pointed to the sleeping Lunox.


Vexanna then disappeared into thin air, which left Leomord questioning why she wanted to talk about Lunox.

Later, at the garden ♤

Leomord entered the garden with caution then relaxed when he saw all the beautiful flowers and plants surrounding him. He was never allowed to go outside, if Vexanna had to do something outside she did it and demanded Leomord to stay inside at all times. He watched from the windows and never got close to anyone other then Lunox and Vexanna, going outside to meet people wasn't an option.

"Do you like my garden?" Said Vexanna from behind him, he turned and nodded.

"Yes I do, it is beautiful."

It was quiet then Vexanna spoke,

"You are probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you about your little girlfriend."

Leomord nodded once again as Vexanna chuckled.

"I wanted to ask you a question."

"You may ask your question, my queen."

"Do you want to leave the Fortress and live with her?"

Leomord stared at Vexanna with a questioning look on his face, then tough about her question.

Does he want to leave the Fortress?

If he did what would happen to Vexanna? And what about his duty to protect her? But he loved Lunox dearly, if he left he could live with her without interpretations and no work, he would definitely leave.

"I do, but what about you? Are you ready to let me go?"

Vexanna was quiet for a moment, then smiled.

"Leomord it was been years since my kingdoms fall, I think it's about time to get over it."

"So no more wars?"

"No more wars."

"And no more quests?"

"And no more quests."

Leomord smiled and went up to hug Vexanna.

"Thank you so much. I can't believe I'm saying this to you even if I never wanted to be brought back to life and never wanted a second chance, but I want to say it."

Vexanna slowly returned the hug and smiled.

"Of course. You can leave in the morning and remember to bring your horse."

"Thank you so much..." Leomord mumbled, still smiling wide.

In the morning

Lunox woke up in Leomord's bed, his arms wrapped around her waist and his breath on her back, his heavy breathing sending chills down her spine. She turned so she was facing him and smiled. He looked peaceful when sleeping and Lunox couldn't help but stare, his eyes then snapped open, scaring her a little.

"Guess what?" He immediately had a smile on his face when he said this, who got Lunox curious.


"I'm allowed to move in with you."

Lunox gasped at the news, "Really?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to get out into the world." He said his smile getting wider and wider.

"I can't believe this! I can take you wherever I want now!" Lunox excitedly said as she shot out of bed and jumped out of Leomond's grip.

"Get dressed because we are going on an adventure!" She happily yelled stars seemed to shoot out of her eyes. Leomond chuckled.

"Okay, I'll get up, " Leomond said as he got out of bed and got dressed. Lunox had left the room the get 'adventure supplies'.

"Are you done Lunox?!"

"Yeah, I'm done are you?!"


Lunox ran back into the room a brown hat on her head that looked way too big for her and a bag of things in her hand.

The hat fell into her eyes as she struggled to keep it up, Leomond let out a laugh.

"Here, let me."

He gently lifted it out of her eyes and stared at her, then chuckled.

"My little adventurer."


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