Gusion x Lesley ♤ love letter

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730 words

Requested by ladymisanthropist

I hope you enjoy! <3

P.S everything is in Gusion's POV

I tossed and turned in bed. Why can't I sleep? Oh yeah because of the one person who makes my heartbeat speed up and my face flush, Lesley. Every dream I have is about her or us.


If there would be us. Us would probably never happen. Us is just a fragment of my imagination or a dream that I want to become real. But she calls me best friend, not a boyfriend.

I sighed and closed my eyes, then got uncomfortable again.

Fuck it.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes tiredly. Why did I want her so badly? Is she hurting me this much? But she doesn't even know it, which seems pretty unfair.

I told tell her, but she is most likely sleeping like any other normal person.

Why don't I leave a text? Wait no, why don't I keep it so she doesn't know it's me.

I'll write a note, but she has to think it's cute and not creepy.

Dear Lesley,

What a great romantic start.

I am in love with you, madly in love even. I go to sleep but sometimes can't because of my thoughts of you. Maybe I should ask you to go out with me, but I feel you won't return my feelings. I never get bored of thinking of you, new things happen when I do. I'm too much of a chicken to say this to you face to face but I feel that this is the only way you could actually see I love you.

I love you so much. Please don't stop giving me a little smirk when you pass me down the hallway at school, please don't stop putting your hair up in a braid and please don't ever lose yourself to the darkness. Again, I love you so much and will do anything for you, even if you don't love me back.

I reread the letter then folded it up and put it in an envelope. Then stopped. Should I sign it?

I took the letter back out and looked at it again.

With love, Gusion.

I guess I'm doing this.

I silently put it back into the envelope and put on a jacket. It was the middle of the night so Lesley probably wouldn't be up, it was a perfect time to slip it in her mailbox since she just lives down the street.

As I was walking down the door I noticed lights on at Lesley's house.

That's not good.

I peeked into the window to see Lesley cleaning the house. She swayed from side to side while listening to music. She was doing simple dances but they seemed so beautiful when she did them.

I caught myself staring at her for too long then remembered the letter in my hand. I walked up to her mailbox and put it in. I smiled then looked back at the house. She was still in the house dancing the night away.

Just don't look out the window.

I silently prayed as I walked back to my own house. I let out a breath of relief as I made it safely into my house.

I took off my jacket and went to bed, I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning ♤


I looked down the street to see Lesley, running over to me. She jumped up and hugged me, I could see the envelope in her hand.

"I can't believe it..." she mumbled. I chuckled and returned the hug

"Are you serious about this?" She asked as she backed away and pointed to the letter. I sighed while nodding my head.

"I'm so glad you wrote this so I didn't have to."

I looked at her confused, "you were going to write a love letter to me?"

"Yeah," she sighed dreamily, "but you did it for me."

I stared at her, just for a few moments, then asked,

"Do you... feel the same?"

Lesley smiled at me, "Yeah, I do"

I also smiled as I cupped her cheek with my right hand, a blush rushed to her cheeks.

We stared at each other for a moment, then Lesley broke the silence as a mumble escaped her lips,

"Just kiss me already."


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