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The next day, Seokjin went to hospital with a bright smile. He was literally shining. He didn't even try to hide marks left by Namjoon. Jimin saw him and was amazed, "Wow, you are glowing hyung."

Jungkook snickered and whispered, "After sex glow."

Seokjin glared at him but smiled, "You are lucky,I am in a good mood. I won't say anything."

Jungkook gasped and whispered to Jimin, "It means we can ask anything from him."

Jimin rolled his eyes and was about to stop him but it was too late. Jungkook went ahead, "Can I have a half day?"

Seokjin pulled the while coat around his shoulder, "Don't push your luck Joen." Jimin Laughed at Jungkook but stopped when Seokjin looked at him, "I'll like to meet the new surgeon."

Jimin nodded and led them to the new recruit, "He is Mark Tuan. He is really good. I was here last night to replace one of his first assistant."

Seokjin nodded and Jimin was going to knock, but the office door opened itself. A male came out wearing a blue shirt and dress pants. He smiled at Jimin, "Ah, doctor Park, how can I help you?"

Jimin smiled, "I am here to introduce my superior. He is Kim Seokjin. And my colleague, Jeon Jungkook."

Mark smiled brighter and bowed, "I'm glad, I finally met you doctor Kim. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Seokjin bowed back, "I'm looking forward to working with you doctor Tuan."

Mark laughed, "Same here."

Jungkook chimed in, "If you feel like you don't have anyone to have lunch with, just find us."

Mark smiled, "Thank you for the invite, doctor Jeon, but I usually eat out of the workplace."

Jungkook poted, "Ah that's fine. But the offer's always open."

Mark nodded and looked at the watch, "Excuse me, I was going home. My shift just ended."

Seokjin smiled, "Ah sure. Night shifts suck. Take rest."

Mark nodded and went away after bowing. Jungkook sighed, "I think he is fishy."

Seokjin hit him on nape, "You said the same thing for Taemin."

Jungkook winced, "And I was right."

Jimin cleared his throat, "I am still here."

Jungkook looked at him, "Doesn't matter. You got your man, be happy."

Seokjin looked surprised, "Wait, what?"

Jimin blushed, "I have a boyfriend."

Seokjin scoffed, "You what now?"

Jimin raised his eyebrows, "We talked the thing out and he proposed and I said yes."

Seokjin sighed, "I'm happy for you. Congratulations."

Jimin smiled brightly, "Thank you."

Jungkook patted his back, "I'm happy too. But he hurts you once and he'll regret it for life."

Jimin looked at Seokjin who only nodded and Jimin started to laugh. He shook his head, "I think we should go back to work."

They nodded and went to their respective work.


Namjoon went to the office and sat on the desk and sighed. Time to get buried under the work. As he was about to work his phone dinged. He looked at it and smiled.

Jjin hyung ❤️
Good morning😘
Work hard
But also take care of yourself!❤️

Good morning
I'll take care of myself
You take care of yourself too!🥺
I love you❤️

He didn't expect him to say I love you back this early. But he knew Seokjin's feelings. He smiled and went back to his work, making few calls here and there and answering the emails. Yoongi came into the office and smirked, "Had a rough night yesterday?"

Namjoon blushed and looked down on his computer screen, "Yeah."

Yoongi cooed, "Who will believe if I told someone that the man going red here is the RM."

Namjoon chuckled, "No one at all."

Yoongi laughed, "Ah, btw the man who shot Jin hyung was brought in last night. He is not in a very good condition. Jungkook gave the men this file about what he has confessed till now."

Namjoon took the file, read it briefly and smiled, "Your boyfriend's done a good job." Yoongi was in deep thought when Namjoon spoke. He didn't reply. Namjoon spoke again, "Hyung?"

Yoongi was pulled out of his thoughts, "What?"

Namjoon looked at him in concern, "What happened? What are you thinking?"

Yoongi shook his head, "I'm thinking about how I should tell Jungkook about me, us? And what am I gonna say?"

Namjoon smiled, "It's okay, hyung. You'll be fine. Just say what's in your heart and he'll understand. I'm sure you two have met in the past."

Yoongi shook his head, "There is no way if I had met him, I would have forgotten that bunny face."

Namjoon chuckled, "People change hyung. I changed a lot since I was brought here."

Yoongi laughed, "That's because you were literally malnourished Namjoon. Master was so worried about your eating habits."

Namjoon laughed, "Those were the golden days. I wish I was still just master's main bodyguard."

Yoongi sighed, "I know how you feel. He'll be here to order you around soon."

Namjoon sighed too and nodded, "I'll just go out for a coffee. Wanna come?"

Yoongi shook his head, "You should go alone."

Namjoon nodded and collected his phone. He stepped into the elevator and opened the phone. There was text that made his day better, much better.

Jjin hyung❤️
I like you too.😌

He knows it must have been hard to write and send it. He was so glad he got that message today.

He rode to the nearest cafe and ordered his cup of coffee. The cafe was very soothing. He always came here when he needed to think. Namjoon sat in front of a window to observe the people going on in their lives. He smiled and completed his coffee. When he was leaving the cafe, an accident took place and the crowd gathered around the man. Something in him just told him to go there and check on the man.

When he got to the man and so his face, he froze. His heart started beating so fast that he thought he was going to faint. A nudge from someone in the crowd made him come to reality. He picked the man in his arms and pushed the crowd. When the crowd was not moving he cried, "Move the fuck away." He put the man in his back seat and started to drive towards the hospital. His vision went blurry and then he realised he was crying. He cleared his eyes and focused on driving.

I was going to update on Monday, but you guys just...😭😭😭
Never thought you'll be waiting for my updates.
Thank you for reading my work!
I purple you 💜

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