Chapter Eleven (Bit of a restricted chapter)

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All right, this chapter, as you can see from the title is restricted. If you don't fancy reading those parts, then you can just read the first page about and when it starts to head to 'Sexual Land' then you can just skip over to the next part (when it comes out). 

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A moment after Adam’s hand came in contact with the wooden door, a thin woman of about forty-five opened the door with a cherry smile. “You must be Adam,” she said pulling him in for a hug. “I’m Mrs. Bennett, but you can call me Kristen.”

“Please to meet you, Kristen,” Adam responded. It felt strange to actually call an adult their first name to their face. He was accustomed to ‘Sir’ and ‘Ma’am’ and then calling them their first names in crude jokes behind their backs.

“Welcome,” Mrs. Bennett said, directing Adam to the parlour that was decorated with wooden sailboats and other nautical items. Offering her arms to a man sitting down in a blue and white armchair with a scotch glass in his hand, she introduced him. “This is my husband, Kevin.”

“Nice to meet you,” Mr. Bennett said from the chair, tilting his glass towards Adam.

Adam gestured back, rubbing his hands together behind his back. He wished Kate would show up and rescue him from these uncomfortable introductions. Regretting his choice to skip out on his school trip and come here for the evening, he looked down to the floor and started to count each individual plank of wood that lined the room.

But before he could get to fifteen, two sets of quick footsteps bounded down the stairs. Adam breathed a sigh of relief. “Hi,” he said once Kate entered the room. Upon seeing Eva, he mumbled a “hi” as well.

“Hi,” Kate brightly said, planting a quick kiss upon his cheek. Her face lite up once she came to her senses that Eva’s parents were watching her with scrutinizing eyes. She smiled at Adam as he thought that too.

After all the hellos were said and done, the five of them sat in the nautical room, taking small sips of their drinks and lighting eating the cheese and crackers set out. “So,” Mr. Bennett said, holding his class to his mouth, “I hear you are from London.”

“Can you tell it in my voice?” Adam asked genuinely curious whether or not his London accent could be detected. He didn’t think it was that strong, but apparently it stuck out like a bruised hand.

The Bennetts laughed, not realizing how genuine his question was. But Kate did and instead of laughing like the rest, she rested a hand on his knee and leaned in close to him. “Your accent is more than obvious,” she whispered to him, making him blush slightly.

 “Oh,” was his only response.

The rest of the night was carried out in a fashion very similar to that: asking Adam questions that make him feel awkward and show off his ‘great’ mind. Although, the questions were not meant to be harmful, they made Adam feel thoughtless.  His pride was stolen with each question that asked about his family, his school life and then finally, about how he met Kate.

“Oh, well...” Kate interjected, taking some of the attention away from Adam.  “Funny story that one,” she stalled, thinking of a way to phrase it. She glared at Eva who sat there with a tight smile upon her face, bursting to tell how the two had crossed passed.  “We met while I was in London for a vacation this Christmas,” she paused not knowing how to carry the tale onwards.

Adam caught on that Kate was struggling how to phrase the rest of the story and interrupted her. “Basically we met in Hyde Park just mulling around.”  He put it in the simplest terms possible without lying but leaving out Danny.

Together: Apart (No longer writing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя