Chapter Three

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"So what's New York City like for a 15 year old girl living the high life?" Adam asked Kate as they strolled down a housing street on their way back to Kate's home.

"Well it's…large." She struggled to find the words to describe her massive city. There was just too much to say without going on for ages and she didn’t know which words to choose.

"Is that all?" He inquired grasping his hands behind his back. "I reckon a city as big as New York City would have more words to describe it. Maybe something like sexy, flashy…strippers running away from the police around the city. "He smiled at his immature comment.

"It's fastidious. Always hectic. Haven't seen any strippers yet though, I'll keep an eye out for one. Have you ever been there?" Kate turned the conversation back to him.

"A few times when I was younger. But I haven't been there for years; my dad doesn’t like to travel where the sun isn’t shining all the time. I bet a lot of interesting things happens there every day. A lot of freaks there?" He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"No more interesting than here in London. Which in my opinion, London is far more interesting than NYC will ever be. With all the historic places, the royalty, the stores, theatre. There is more to do here without getting bored in a few minutes. Everything is better. Happier. Even the people are nicer here." She drooled on about her obvious affections of London.

"London is about as interesting gay porn." He snuffed.

"Oh…I would imagine that gay porn would not have the desired effect as normal porn would." Kate laughed. "This is my street." Kate stopped at the top of the road and faced Adam.

"Really? You live on this street?" He asked dumfounded and in shock staring down at the homes. "And what exactly does your dad do that you would be able to afford this as a second home?" His mouth hung open and his eyes bulged out from their sockets.

"Where do you live?" Kate said in defensive mode but she was also curious.

"Kensington…like you." He mumbled knowing that it was a bit more than where she lived. "We live close to each other." He said with bright eyes and smile, hoping that would bring the chance for him to see her soon again.

"And what exactly does your dad do that you can afford those homes?" She snuffed back at him. After a moment's pause where his eyes wondered to the sky, she continued."Well there you go. Our houses aren't that different." Kate pointed out in obvious truth. "Thank you for everything and maybe I'll see you later."

"I will be looking forward to that."  He answered her with the same enthusiasm as she spoke with. "What's your number?" He asked. Kate looked at him and she smiled at him before standing on her tippy toes and placing her hand on his shoulder to give him another small peck on his cheek.

"You have green eyes." She said with an airy sense when she pulled away. "They looked brown before.  I like dark green eyes better." She handed him his sweater back with a bright smile and twinkling eyes.  

He smiled in return and started to walk away but quickly turned back before the end of the street to have a one last word with her. "Can I at least take you out on a real date sometime?" He shouted to her and ran his hand through his thick brown hair.

"Possibly" She said before disappearing behind the iron gates of her home.

The next few days carried on with a slow and dull pace for Adam. All he could think about was Kate.  Her laugh and her shy smile. The way she stood up for herself. The touch of her hand against his shoulder. The way her lips felt when they lightly touched his scorching cheek. Man was she as fit as any teen boy could possibly imagine. During the days he went back to Hyde Park hoping that she came back too and they would run into each other. And then she would come back to his house…At night he walked by her street wishing that she would peak her head out and see him then blow the back doors out of her. His thoughts ended in the same way every time when it came to girls…especially Kate. Same ending in every scenario but each with a different slightly more strange start.

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