Chapter Six

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Danny sat on the sofa downstairs with a half empty bottle resting in his hand. He slowly brought the bottle to his mouth, but stopped before his lips pressed on its hard surface. "Fuckin' hell." He muttered, staring intently at the beer. He didn't remember opening it and figured it belonged to another. He slammed it down to the ground and searched the mass of dancers for Adam.

But with no luck, he reckoned that Adam had slipped away upstairs with Kate and was still occupied by her 'assets'. With a push, he rose up from the sofa and trudged upstairs with careful attention to avoid the adult's party in fear of seeing his parents wasted.

Upon arriving at Adams door, Danny pressed his ear against the door and listened. After hearing nothing, he jerked the door open with a silent shove and his eyebrows shot up when he took the sight in.

Danny slowly shut the door and backed away with an evil plan forming in his mind. The image of Kate's arms wrapped around Adams bare chest was still fresh in his mind as he planned his course of actions out step by step.

Danny crept up behind Tess, once he was back downstairs, and snaked his arms around her waist. "Adam wants you upstairs." Danny whispered into Tess' ear.

She snapped her head around. "Wants me?"

Danny nodded his head with a smirk growing on his mouth. "It is his late birthday present to you."He slipped his hand around hers, and led her upstairs.

He slowly pushed her through the corridor, thinking about how great this night would be afterwards. He stiffened a laugh in his throat. When they arrived at Adam's door, he paused and looked at Tess who shot a confused look back to him. "You don't look sexy enough," he said taking in her two inches of clothing.

"What?" she snapped.

Danny thought for a moment with his hand on his chin and then said "Take your top layer off and push those two specs you call tits together," was his edict.  She obeyed him and slipped off a cream-lace shirt to reveal a white undershirt that clearly showed off each colour of her bra. Once Tess did as he was told, he carried on his prank. "Now, Adam would love it if you barged in there, declaring your love."


"Be blunt about it. Trust me, it will come to you," he said putting his hands on her shoulders; but his hands went too far and punched her. He looked at his hands with curiosity and confusion. He rubbed his eyes and darted them around the room. "Go in and make love, you pig-faced cockatoo." He patted her on the bottom; sending her off.

Tess nodded her head and stuck a sultry pout on her thin face before handing him her shirt and shoes.  Danny shot her two thumbs up with an obviously sarcastic smile. But she was clueless to the mockery. With her nearly naked chest and rear end, sticking out, she nudged the door open.

The lights were off and a soft glow of the moon flooded the room. The only proof of existence came from the corner where a stereo lightly played a ballad. Tess stepped inside and without a moment to waste, tossed off her undershirt and pants. With nothing more than her undergarments on, she walked to the bed.

Danny stood by the door, poking his head inside the door and had to bite his knuckles to keep his laughter from spilling out.  He bounced from one foot to the other in child-like giddiness.

 "Hello," Tess spoke in a husky voice while crawling onto the bed. "I'm here to claim my prize," her voice was deep and stifling. She pressed her hands onto the bed and let her legs dangle off the edge. But when nobody responded to her, she went further on the bed with her hands outstretched. She giggled when her hand grabbed something that felt like a foot underneath the covers.  "Adam, baby, that you? Oh, you have much smaller feet than what measures to your- "she whispered into the darkness but stopped midsentence by a giggle.

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