Chapter Eight

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Grabbing his leather jacket from the crumpled pile on the floor, Adam dashed around his room in search of his shoes. He looked in the corner of the closet, then the heap that was situated outside the closet. When he finally found them stashed away under his bed among shirts and pants, he stuffed his feet into their dust collecting surface and made a break for the corridor. He ran so quickly that he didn't have time to stop and drag his hand across the wall like usual.

With so much force that he nearly toppled over his own feet, Adam reached the bottom of the stairs in a breathy huff. He waited for a minute to catch his breath and let his heart regain its normal beat. Pulling his mobile out of his back pants pocket, he double checked the time and with a gasp Adam dashed off to the garage.  He barged through the door and sighed out of relief when he saw his mother and father standing by the car. His luggage was stuffed into the boot and everything he needed was ready to go.  "Thank God!" he muttered while catching his breath.

He walked up to his father and placed a hand upon his shoulder. Adam was still panting. "I thought you would leave without me." He looked over to his mum and smiled at her; still trying to catch his breath.

"Son," Adam's father spoke. "Why would we leave without you? You are the only that needs to be taken to the airport."

Adam stared at his father for a moment realising how idiotic his thinking was. "Right..."

Adam's father chuckled while sliding on his jacket and button up the brass buttons.  He ruffled Adam's hair with a glimmer in his olive eyes. "That's my son." He spoke softly before sliding into the driver's seat of the silver car.

Adam's mother pushed the button that closed the boot and walked around to the passenger seat.  After she opened the door but before she got in, she looked back at Adam who was still standing by the door, tying his shoes.  She had a light smile on her face and grief in her voice.  "What are we going to do with you?" She smoothed her skirt out against the front of her legs.

"Huh?" Adam questioned, rising up from his knee. His mother shook her head and got into the car in front of Adam who in turn went into the back seat. The car was brought to life and their home drifted off into the distance.

Less than twenty minutes into the ride and after finger fidgeting became tedious, boredom over came Adam. He flicked through the contacts in his mobile, thinking who he could text. Danny...Chris...Eric...None of them; Adam was going to see them at the airport and there was no point in talking to someone if he was going to see them in about forty minutes.

But something caught his eye. He leaned forward in his seat and pulled the mesh back seat pocket open and pulled the object out. With a smile and a happy thought processing in his mind, he examined it. After a few flicks of the flame, he began digging in the pocket even further down until he found the lighters match.

With lighter and cigarette in hand, he brought both to his mouth and lit the cigarette with dexterity.  He took a long breath in and let the poison slip and slide around his mouth. He slowly puffed the smoke into the air and watched it float from the tip of his mouth.  Rolling down the window, to the clear blue sky, Adam stuck his hand out and let the cigarette hang out.

Out of the corner of his eye, Adam saw his mother whip her head around and stare at him with one eye brow raised sharply. He stared back at her with a cocky grin plastered upon his arrogant face. He took another drag and blew it out into her face. She leaned away from him and waved her hand across her face to spread the smoke away from her face. "May I help you?" He inquired, mocking her facial expression.

"Must you do that?" She snapped back at him through gritted teeth.

With a smile forming on his lips, Adam slowly brought the cigarette to his mouth and sucked the venom in. "Oui" he said imitating the stereotypical French man.

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