Chapter Two

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Hyde Park

Central London, England

December 17.

10:30 AM.

The sun shined bright in the mid morning as Kate strolled down peaceful Hyde Park in the centre of London, taking in the beautiful landscape and finally feeling as if she was back at home. Rented bikes zoomed past her with excited children twisting the wheels.  Geese honked their horns as people lounged in the temperate sun. Kate found a bench that looked upon the pond and sat down pulling a book out of her bag. She read quietly taking in the serenity of the majestic park.


Hyde Park

Central London, England

December 17.

10:37 AM.

Adam and Danny sat on the ground under a tree in Hyde Park perfectly happy watching the tourists fly by snapping photos of everything they saw and laughing at their idiocy.

"Hey, Mate, you see that?" Danny whispered in awe and pointed into the distance by Lake Serpentine.

"The goose?" Adam questionably asked not sure of what he was supposed to be looking at but still dreadfully curious.

"No you daft child. That." His finger was directed at a girl sitting on a bench with a book propped open in her hands. "She is fucking fit. I do not know who doesn’t love fit girls."

"Poofs" Adam responded without one second wait.

"Touché. But shit I'm getting that feeling just from looking at her." His eyes grew wider as he continued with his thought.

"I'll be back" Adam said ruffling his hair to give it that "tough" look and walking towards the girl.

"Hold on. I saw her first. I should go talk to her." Danny protested whining like a child grabbing Adams shoulder and forcing him back down into his seat.

"Do not touch my jacket. I'll kick your ass for her but may the best man win." Adam unwillingly compromised and flashed the finger.

"Do not worry when I win, I'll send you a greeting card from vag central." He snapped giving a pelvic thrust.

With those fighting words, the two boys shook on it ready for the upcoming war. Strutting over to the girl they put on their sexiest smirk with high hopes of impressing her.   When they finally arrived to her, they were both struck dumb at her beauty, when she took notice of their presence and looked up at them with questioning eyes. Large insipid blue eyes framed by dark nearly black hair and pale skin took over their senses and they stood there unable to speak.

"Hi." The girl spoke light heartily to break the tongue-tied silence. "May I help you?" She closed her book.

"Actually you may." Danny jumped in taking the opportunity; he was agile on his feet. "I was just wondering if you possibly knew the time.  My watch seems to have disappeared." He spoke as smooth as silk, leaving Adam behind in the dust.  Both of them knew perfectly well that Danny never wore a watch and relied upon his phone and others to tell him the time, all which was not known by the girl.

"It is 11:25." She said stealing a quick look at her Iphone, which rested on the bench beside her.

"Thank you so very much, I would have been lost for the rest of the day. I am Danny by the way." He stuck out his hand presenting it to her. He looked back at Adam for a small second giving him a cocky wink and a smile to match.

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