Chapter Four

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December 23

Kate and Adam walked down a row in Covent Garden, walking hand in hand talking about the splendours of Christmas.  The lights above dangled and twinkled in Christmas delight with a glowing sensation. Carollers stood in tight half circles with sheet music pressed close to their red noses, outside of Saint Paul's Church.

"Remember when you were a kid and after spending the whole night trying to fall asleep- but you was too excited- you woke up in the wee hours of the morning, rushed down to the tree and that was the best feeling you can possibly have?" Kate asked. Her hand felt warm inside Adams own hand and fit perfectly.  When Kate was around Adam, she did not need gloves or a hat. Her heart already pumped the searing blood fast enough to keep her warm. A pair seemingly created in a Shakespearian Comedy.

"All I remember from my young years at Christmas is hiding from my Aunt Tracy because she would make me eat liver to fatten me up. And then pinch my cheeks to check on the progress. Then while she was still pinching my checks should comment on how big I've gotten. She did that until one year I pinched her cheeks and said 'you too'. "Adam blurted out with easy and comfort. His heart pounded fiercely inside his caging ribs. Whenever he was around Kate, he felt the need to impress her creep in his mind, like she would run away from him in one second if he failed.

"That’s horrible!" Kate gasped, trying to snuffle a laugh. They walked past the stores with lights hung on the walls and advertising last minute shopping on the first level as the downstairs came alive. In the open seating areas, people were handing out free samples of hot chocolate, spreading Christmas cheer.  "Surprising that you were sly at such a young age." Kate admitted.

"I had my moments." He snickered back at her before leading her downstairs. Oh thank God she thinks I'm funny. He thought.

"Look!" Kate breathed airily pointed to the banisters.  Intertwined with the cold metal was tinsel like material that shined beautifully, reflecting the lights above.

"If you think that is cool, wait till you see this." He beamed pulling her to the bottom of the stairs.

Leading Kate into the middle of the area, he stopped in his tracks. Facing towards her with a furtive smile on his face, he pointed upwards.  As her face light up brighter in fascination and her mouth dropped open, he let his secret smile sneak up further on his face. "Do you like it?"

"It's gorgeous." Her eyes glimmered and her lips drew a smile across her delicate face. Standing in the middle of the floor, gazing up at the ceiling, it came alive before their wondering very eyes.  The lights jumped back and forth across the seemingly endless ceiling.

Turning to Adam, Kate craned her slender neck upwards so that she could look into his perfect olive eyes that towered above her own blue eyes. Kate took a small step closer to his body and at the same time she placed her hands on the back of his head. Her fingers lightly played with the ends of his hair. Rising up onto her tiptoes she pressed her full red lips to his. Her eyes shut in gratification.

A wave of emotion washed over Kate that engulfed her mind, soul and body entirely.  She wanted to run, skip, jump and sing in a field. Let her heart pour out of her lungs and stays in his gaze until the sun took its last breathe. She could feel her heart beating fiercely in her chest and wondered what ticked in his mind about her.

Adams mind melted into bright vivacious colours the second her lips touched his. The colours danced, swirled and twirled across the black backdrop of his eyelids.  He gave way to her soft strength and let his thoughts focus on this one surreal moment.  Adams hands slipped down to her lower back and rested there just above her hips.

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