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~ Yoongi Pov ~

Y/N started to work again and for my happiness with wasn't in a bad shape anymore. I didn't know what jungkook did but to be honest i didn't like what was going on. I noticed that after the argument, y/n and jungkook became more closer. The tension between them was already gone and they smiled a lot to each other. What did he say to her in that day?

Y/N came more often to our door and started to sleep with us. She smiled, laughed, cried, giggled and even cluckled at every word jungkook said. Jungkook smiled more than usual and everytime we came to the building to practise, he went first to y/n office and then he would come to the room. I am happy that they are friends now, but i saw something more. Does jungkook like her?

If you told me a few months ago that he liked her, i would tell you that you were dumb or even crazy. At this point, i didn't doubt it anymore. He liked her. I saw in his eyes and in his actions. His true self came back and everyone saw a different side of him.

Y/N... what could i say about her? She was also different but not in a bad way. She had a glow. I coudn't explain. To be honest she didn't chance at all. She kept her personality and everytime she came to the dorm, somehow we always laughed until we couldn't breath. She was part of our family. It was amazing how she brighted our lifes just with a simple gesture.

Jungkook: hyung?... - he cutted my thoughts. We were on our living room laughing at y/n' pout. The guys were laughing with her cutiness because a little pitty girl with her arms crossed against her chest, was something extremely cute.

Yoongi: yes kook... - i broke my gaze on her and faced him - what is wrong?

Jungkook: you know that tomorrow we have the party about our comeback, right? - he was having a hard time to talk.

Yoongi: yes... - i made him a question look. I already knew what he was going to say.

Jungkook: i would like to ask you something... - his gaze turn to y/n.

Yoongi: you want to invite her as your partner, am i right? - imeaditely he looked at me with a shock face.

Jungkook: how did you know? - he asked me and i shook my head gently.

Yoongi: i know you to well kook... - i chuckled and he looked down embarrassed - and besides... - he lift his head to face me - the way you look at her says everything...

Jungkook: what do you mean hyung? - he was confused.

Yoongi: be honest with me... - i turned myself to face him - you love her, don't you? - his eyes wided.

Jungkook: hyung... i...i... - he couldn't say a single word.

Yoongi: it's okay kook... but is it true? - he slowly nodded his head and a smile appeared in my lips - i knew it, i think i always knew... - i chuckled.

Jungkook: so... It's okay to you? - he was afraid of my answered.

Yoongi: of course, why do you ask me? - i laughed at his reaction.

Jungkook: hyung... i know you have feeling for her... - he whispered - and i don't want to hurt you, you are my bother, my family.

Yoongi: true, i do have feelings for her - his face turned sad - but her heart belongs to you...

Jungkook: w-what? - he stuttered - why do you say that?

Yoongi: in this world, exist things that you can't understand but one thing is for sure, her heart is yours - i showed him a gentle smile - one day i will show you something that will make you love her even more.

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