Chapter 13

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Abram's P.O.V

Hanging up the phone, I couldn't help the smirk that was forming on my face. The first step to my plan was sealed. Finally, I can put my years of planning into action.

But would I really be happy knowing that the shine of her big doe grey eyes won't be the same anymore and the smile that makes her whole face shine and different among the other girls would not make her radiant anymore? That I would never have answers to because at this point I'm just blindly following what the demons inside of my head is telling me.

The thought of trapping her and using her as a bait was enough to turn my smirk into a frown immediately. I can't believe how much of a beast I turned into now.

Years of bottling up my anger, years of planning and searching up the way to completely take down the Rossi. To make him pay for what he did to me and to my family.

It's been years and the wounds that he inflicted on me was still fresh as if it was just yesterday. I hate to drag Evangeline into this hot mess, but I have to. I have to get rid of those nightmares that come every night engulfing me, depriving me of sleep and sanity, once and for all.

But is that what I really want? Indeed for sure, if the circumstances were different, I would really love to get to know her. But sadly, you don't always get what you want.

She really caught my eye since the very first time and I can feel that she's different from other girls that I have met. But, I can't be entirely sure that she's a saint like she appears to be, because after all, even sugar looks like salt. You can never be too safe these days.

What if she's just like any of us, hiding her beast just to make me fall for her charms. I cannot be entirely sure. After all, she's his daughter, hence I can never be too sure so it's better to take my chances.

"Was that her on the call?" Sebestian questioned, breaking me out of my thoughts and making me realize that I was gripping on my phone too tight.

Still too busy with my own thoughts, I couldn't form any words to reply so I just nodded my head yes at him.

"Did she agree? Would she be coming tomorrow?" he inquired and again I nodded my head in response while he looked at me with uncertainty vividly displayed on his features.

I know exactly where it is about to be headed.

"Are you sure abo..." he started when Nicholas suddenly jumped in, cutting him off.

"Wait a minute. Who are you guys talking about? Who is she?" He inquired, making me sigh as I rubbed my forehead trying to ease the headache that was starting to form.

That girl is really making me lose my shit since the night I saw her.

"What on earth are you guys doing without us?" Nicholas asked as he looked at me and Sebestian accusingly.

"We're talking about Evangeline. Alex's daughter." Sebestain replied, which I'm really thankful for as I was really not in the mood to talk about that matter.

"What? Why? I mean what are you going to do?" Zack questioned, making me glance at him due to his tone, lacing with concern and worriedness.

Does he like her or something? Well, I don't really blame him. She's really something else.

"What is it to you?" I snapped back, completely annoyed him.

"What do you mean, what is it to me? '' Are you really going to use her as your bait just to get back to her father?" He inquired standing in front of me looking completely furious and ready to pounce on me.

"Well did you forget what her father did? Did you forget how he tortured her? How he made them beg for mercy?" I shouted as my teeth gritted together and my fist clenched tight. I was letting my emotions get the best of me, but this time I made no effort to control them. I need to let them out.

I'm tired both mentally and physically. Tired of hearing the voices screaming with pain and agony, every time I see Alex and his family, especially now Evangeline. She's the same age as her, but sadly she died before she could even live her life completely. Thanks to Alex, but I have decided I will put an end to this.

"You're not in the right state of mind Abram. You're just blinded with anger. Think wisely and carefully whether you really want to do this or not." Sebestian reasoned out, standing in front of me and Zack, creating a barrier between us.

"I waited years for this opportunity and I will surely not let this go" I answered while I stormed out of the door, planning to go get some rest.

"You're crazy!" I heard Zack exclaimed but I was already out of the door, with one thing in my mind and that is, I'll get my revenge.

What do you think Abram was talking about? What do you think happened in the past that made him so thirsty for revenge? Stay tuned to find out.

And let me know how you guys are finding this story. Keep your comments respectful and kind please.♥️♥️

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