Dining with Death

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When they finished their tea, Hinowa stood up and lead Setsu to the halls of her home, all around them servants were busy hustling to prepare for their esteemed guests to arrive and also preparing for the upcoming wedding.

Setsu observed them with a fondness in her eyes, it was a familiar scene.

'Looks like a day in my life in the okiya, my days were busy with preparing for my older sisters and my nights preoccupied with the customers.'

"Dear brother!" Iwame perked up and ran towards the man who made the vein on Setsu's temple throb.

Tatsuya's eyes locked with Setsu and he gave her a smirk while patting his young sister on the head, "I see you invited a guest, dear one." he said tearing his eyes away from Setsu. Iwame smiled up at her brother, "yes. Thank you for permitting me to let her stay, dear brother."

The scene infront of Setsu made her bristle, Iwame hugged her brother's arm in delight. But the way the man stared at Setsu made her felt very, very uneasy.

"My pleasure, dearest sister. Why don't you invite your guest to dinner later?" he smiled down at Iwame who's eyes glittered.

"Oh no! That would be too much! I do not deserve to dine with the both of you Lord Sugoroku!" she said in a distressed voice, "this humble wench will not even dare accept such a generous offer!" she added while bowing down.

Tatsuya bit the insides of his cheeks in amusement as he caught the sarcasm absolutely dripping from her little mouth, even going as far as bowing to show how absolutely "sincere" she was! He held back laughter and composed himself.

"No! I have to insist! Come on Setsu! Please? Pleaseeeeeee?" Iwame begged.

She clenched her knuckles and hid it behind her, "oh alright. Who am I to refuse you, Princess?" she gave her a strained smile.

"This poison is odorless, colorless and tasteless, Milord. They will not even know and will blame the kitchen staff for this tragedy." a middle aged man said as he took a small vial out of his obi, he smiled cruelly.

"One drop and your bride to be will fall asleep forever." he cackled.

"Good, make sure she takes the entire vial. I want to make sure she is taken care of swiftly."

"By your word."

"Iwame, you've always been a pain! If I get rid of you then I can freely court my beloved Aiko."

Setsu had ample time to settle in and freshen up before being escorted by Jiiya who waited for her and led her to a quaint room that had a feast waiting for her.

'All this food for three people? How extravagant.'

Iwame was already waiting and Setsu took a seat nearest to her, soon after Tatsuya walked in and settled on the Lord's seat. Maids walked in a served the young Lord sake while a maid walked in carrying a fresh steaming pot of tea for Iwame walked past Setsu and poured some for the Lady.

The sweet scent that flooded her nostrils immediately set off loud alarms inside her head, she watched as the young maid set the teapot down.

"If I may be bold, can I ask what leaves did you brew for this that tea? I've never smelled such a wonderful aroma before." Setsu smiled at the maid.

"Just the usual tea leaves my Lady prefers, Miss. the maid replied with a tilt of her head, Setsu stared at the cup and popped a braised potato on her mouth.

"Really? Tea leaves mixed with water hemlock and monkshood? What a poisonous mix you have there Princess."

The color drained on Iwame's face and the maids immediately bowed low in the ground.

"F-Forgive us! Forgive us! We didn't check!"

Tatsuya glared at the maids and back at Setsu, "Guards! Take these kitchen wenches away from my sight and lock them up!" he barked. Five men immediately opened the screen door and sized the maids, dragging them to the dungeons.

"You... How can I trust you did not just frame my servants? Water hemlock and monkshood is said to be both odorless."

Setsu scoffed at the man and took a small dagger she tucked in her obi and sliced her thumb.

"You see my Lord, my job is to make sure my older sisters and our highly esteemed guests are always safe, I was trained from a tender age to classify poisons like these since people use underhanded tricks like this to harm people around me back then."

She took Iwame's cup and dripped her blood on the tea, to Iwame's horror, Setsu's blood did not blend with the tea, instead after a few seconds the droplets coagulated and floated to the surface.

"As poisonous as a Habu's* bite and this brew is almost undetectable to those not familiar to it's scent."

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