Taken Aback

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Setsu was busy running around with the other maids to help with serving breakfast for all the clients and the workers in the okiya, she wore her hair up in a high bun and tried her sleeves back.

Her arms were carrying packages from merchants who regularly stop by to stock their kitchens, she passed by the halls only to crosspaths with the annoying bastard last night. "Good morning." he greeted with a sickeningly dazzling smile and she passed by him, ignoring him completely.

She gasped when he plucked two packages off the stack in her arms, the smile on his lips still there. "What?" she spat, glaring up at him.

"It's so early to be this hostile, little lady." he said, "I will be if you interfere with my work, give those back, NOW." Setsu replied. But Tatsuya shook his head, "I can be stubborn if I want to, now, lead the way. I can't ignore a pretty girl struggling on her own."

She gritted her teeth and wordlessly turned away, 'just ignore him, just ignore him' she chanted on her head. Feeling his eyes on her back, she turned just a bit to peek over her shoulder and saw him still following.

When they reached the kitchens some maids bowed hastily at Tatsuya's entrance, she placed the packages on the nearest table and halted him from entering the kitchens.

"Thank you oh so much for your help dear customer, but I'm afraid this is as far as you'll go." she said with her fake business smile, Tatsuya handed the boxes out to her but before she could even grab them he lifted it high, away from her reach. Setsu's brows furrowed and she reached in her tiptoes, Tatsuya smiled as she stepped a bit closer unconsciously and closed some distance between them.

She could almost reach it, her fingers were brushing the wrappings. The maids who hastily exited the kitches peered from the windows to see the young Lord smiling down at Setsu who was straining to reach the package what was lifted way above her head, they giggled and whispered excitedly.

"Give it back, you dick!" she hissed, Setsu could feel her blood pressure rising as he lifted his hand higher, her hand grabbed on his collar tightly and she kicked his shin. He groaned in pain and in the moment of his brief suffering she snatched the package away from his hands, a victorious smile stretched her lips and she felt fulfilled.

Tatsuya recovered and smiled at her, "So you like it when someone is in pain hmmm? You're a naughty little lady, aren't you?" he asked.

Setsu's smile disappeared and she grabbed him in his collar again, pulling him down and whispered to his ear...

"Oh you have no idea how sadistic I could be, seeing someone in pain because of me gets me.."

She shoved him away roughly and gave him a sinister smile, "really, really excited."

"Have a good morning, dear customer."

Then in his distraction at the glint of her eyes, the screen door of the kitchens were slammed in front of him. He was at a loss, he was supposed to be the one who did the flirting and now he found himself to be seduced by a young maid in a pleasure house, a maid. Not the beautiful array of courtesans who were masters and artists in the world of seduction in this okiya.

He turned away and walked the hall aimlessly, his mind reeling at the look on her eyes and he felt confused, he was taken aback. No woman had been hostile in one moment and so enchanting the next, he bet she wasn't even purposely trying...

'Oh little lady, you bring such wonderful delights to such a dreary place. Coming here may be worthwhile after all.'

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