Learning To Steel Yourself

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"You are one lucky horse aren't you? Are you willing to take me back to the Capital again?" Setsu asked her stallion as she finished strapping the belongings she and Hinowa had foraged from the ashes and debris from the okiya. The stallion softly neighed and nibbled at her fringe, Setsu giggled as it started snuffing on her neck then at her sides.

She laughed and took an apple she tucked away in her obi, and held it out to her steed who happily munched it on her palm.

"Even in great loss and sorrow you can still find the strength to smile, I commend you little lady."

She sighed and turned, her eyes now aloof and guarded.

"Hello." she stiffly replied, Setsu decided to be a bit more polite to him, she was going to be under his employ soon after all.

Tatsuya walked over and gave her a teasing smile, "no biting insults or snarky words for me today I see, how have you been faring?" he asked, lifting his palm up to pat her stallion's neck.

"I honestly don't want to go, but if I don't Hinowa would end up being alone again. I can't leave her alone venturing into the Capital."

"You seem to put her welfare first above all others."

His comment made the vein in her temple throb, and she glared up at him.

"She's very important to me, isn't that what you do when you have someone you love dearly?"

Tatsuya moved closer to her, a small smile still on his lips.

"Love someone dearly hm? How intriguing,
very intriguing."

In that moment the wheels in Setsu's head turned, it did not matter what the world would say about her and her current sexuality. But many people are exceedingly narrow minded, and people who choose to love the same sex are shunned and even treated as outcasts. She feared Hinowa would receive such cruelty and it pinched at her heart to see her smile falter.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head."

His fingers gently touched the curve of the furrows in her brows, and he chuckled.

"I hope, one day you would look at me without this marring your face, little lady."

And with that he turned and left.

Setsu's heart thudded heavily, loudly, with relief and.....

'Breathe. Don't let that son of a bitch get in your head!'

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