Girl Talk

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Beating her chest, a slightly rattled Setsu cleared her throat as Iwame handed a cloth to her. She gratefully accepted it and wiped the drool and tea that dripped on her chin, Iwame slumped a bit.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to pry. I will understand if it's hard for you to open up." she said, Setsu sighed as she rubbed her throat.

"It's ok Princess, I was just... I don't..." she opened her mouth, looking for the right words to say. 'Just tell her the truth, idiot.' her conscience said as she hesitated.

"I work as a maid in a brothel in our hometown." Setsu said, Iwame's eyes widened and she scooted closer to Setsu. "Really?! What's it like? Have you ever been molested?!" Iwame asked with an expectant look on her face.

"Yes, it's.... interesting to sum it up. And yes, many times but I always make sure that molester won't do so again." Setsu said with a small haughty smile, "so you've also met a lot of men who visit your brothel?"

The haughty smile on Setsu's face faltered a bit, "yes, many men from very class in our society. As long as they can pay they can enjoy the services we offer." she replied.

"Really..." Iwame nodded looking at her hands, Setsu raised a brow, "you seem to have more questions."

Iwame flushed and she cleared her throat, "well... it's just... I'm curious, and I have no one to ask about this really..."

Setsu patiently waited for her to finally ask her question, "how... how do the courtesans.. you know.. Enchant men?" Iwame asked.

'Enchant, hmmm? If I'm brutally honest that little head of yours would explode at the acts my older sisters do in the privacy of their client's rooms.' Setsu thought as she stared at a flushed Iwame, "they undergo a lot of training and from what I observed, the more naturally charming you are the more clients are drawn to you." Setsu said after filtering the dark side of the jobs of the oirans in the okiya.

"Why? What made you ask about it?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation going. Iwame placed her palms on her cheeks, "that day we met... I met my betrothed for the first time in a long time."

A wide smile stretched Setsu's lips, "betrothed! Oh my. How wonderful, what's he like?" she asked, genuinely curious. Iwame giggled, "oh, Setsu. He was so handsome! We were childhood friends back when we lived in Nagano, I was not expecting him to be so... so..."

Setsu chuckled, "perfect?" she provided the word that may fit the description of her betrothed, Iwame shook her head. "Perfect is an understatement. But yes, he is.. perfect."

Iwame stared at Setsu seriously, "tell me, what do I do to make him want me? I'm... I'm inexperienced, I'm scared he would resort to having concubines when I bore him."

Placing a hand on Iwame's shoulder, Setsu gave her a small smile. "Don't underestimate yourself too much, Princess. You are beautiful, and very charming in your own way. If he is smart he would not think to even look for another, relationships can be tough, more so in marriage. But if he truly treasures you and the alliance of your clans first he would also put a lot of effort in making you happy, that's how relationships work after all." she said.

Iwame's eyes watered, relieved that a problem that often plagued her mind was somehow solved. Setsu found herself tensing up, she was no good in comforting people, so she opened her mouth to say something but the sudden  arrival of their dinner caused Iwame to quickly wiped the tears that gathered on her lids.

She relaxed when Jiiya and some maids entered her room carrying trays of steaming food. 'Wew, saved again." Setsu was silently grateful, her stomach growled as the maids placed a low wooden table in front of them, big enough to carry all the dishes that they brought. Honestly, she never had this much food before, "enjoy your meals. My Lady and you too, Miss." Jiiya said as he ushered the maids out the room, Iwame clapped her hands together, "I'm so glad you're here tonight, when Tatsu-nii is out I always have to eat dinner alone and it gets lonely. Now, let's eat!"

Dinner went by smoothly, they shared stories and small talk that made dinner pleasant, Iwame was very curious and grew up to be very sheltered. "Don't worry Princess, once you get married you can ask your dearest to take you to places you want to go." Setsu said as she sipped some warm tea, "oh I don't know Setsu, I have a lot of places I want to go! But I think I want to see the ocean first. I've never seen it before." Iwame replied. "Tatsu-nii has been to the ocean before, he travels around a lot. He promised me he would take me on a trip on one of his ships one day."

Setsu smiled at Iwame, "did he now? What does he do for a living that requires him to be away so often?" Setsu asked, Iwame tapped her chin. "Our father died a 3 years ago, and he left every business he had to my brother, he's been going around the country managing these, but he told me he already hired people he trusted to manage them. Just so he could spend time with me before I get married."

"It's strange that he hasn't chosen a bride yet, I fear he may never marry if he's always busy." Iwame said, Setsu resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

'Yeah right, your older brother is a condescending prick, Princess. That's why he's still alone.'

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