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Setsuna tidied the futon and placed it on the closet, she had a good night's sleep and was now ready to meet with Jiiya. She had some questions with his relationship to Mama, and why....

Why he looked so sad.

She remembered seeing the gardens when Iwame gave her a mini tour of the Palace, seriously this place was still too damn vast and too huge, someone like her who was used to small homes would have difficulties living in places like these.

"Ugh just the thought of maintaining this place is making me feel tired." she grumbled as she saw a few maid running about, starting their daily chores.

Setsu frowned when she found herself on an unfamiliar hallway, "that's strange, I'm sure the gardens are just——-"

A door suddenly opened and a beautiful concubine was staring at her, her kimono was unkept and the obi on her waist loosely fastened.

'Ugh. She smells like——'

Just as Setsu was about to turn and walk away she saw that prick walking behind the concubine and hugging her, "it's still too early for you to leave, come back to bed." he purred against her neck, Setsu had no time to witness their public display of wanton acts and turned straight ahead.

"Oh? Aren't you Iwame's little stray patient? What brings you to this side of the Palace? Don't tell me you're lost?" he said while sliding his palms down the courtesan's waist, Setsu paused and turned back. "Yes, I'm lost and that's not your problem. Go back to fornicating you damn animals." she hissed venomously.

Tatsuya chuckled and stared at her back, "how dare—- you should have her punished Milord. Such a careless tongue from a mere peasant!" the woman in his arms said angrily. He brushed his lips against her earlobe, "hmm. I always find feisty girls fascinating."

She shivered and suddenly he pulled back, a charming smile stretched his lips, "okay, you may now leave, the payment will be delivered to your establishment in the afternoon." he said while gently pushing her out his chambers and closing the door on her face.

Tatsuya immediately took his bedclothes off and grabbed the dark grey kimono and haori that was still neatly folded, he tied his obi on securely around his waist and walked out his room, his sights set on a certain little lady who looked lovely, even with a severe frown on her brows delicate brows...

Setsu spotted the old man sitting in a under a maple tree, she fidgeted and gathered a tiny bit of courage in walking up to him.

"Good morning, Miss." he gave her a small smile and gestured for her to take a seat, he poured her a cup of hot tea. "You must be hungry, don't hold back. Take as much as you want." he said as he gestured for the humble breakfast that waited for her on the table.

Setsu shook her head, "thank you, I will eat once we finish talking, I have a lot of questions." she said as she lifted her cup to her lips and blew. "Yes, I'm sure you do. Go on then." he encouraged lifting his teacup to his lips.

Carefully choosing her words she stared straight at him, "you... you looked sad last night. Why? And what's your real relationship with Mama?" she asked while narrowing her eyes at him.

"O-Sei has been my friend during the Great War years ago, we met in a camp, taking care of the wounded and afflicted.' Jiiya replied.

"You didn't answer my other question, why did you look sad?" she asked, he stared at her intently.

"You... you look just like your mother." he said, a look of confusion crossed Setsu's face, he was nervous about how she would react. But then Setsu sighed, "is that so? I'm sorry, I have quite the common face. You maybe mistaken, Gramps." she said, Jiiya shook his head and chuckled.

"I'm still not buying it, anyway time for another matter..."

She took the small scroll from her obi and placed it on the table, "this is what I came here for, now that I have done my job, I wish to immediately leave this hellhol—-"

"Now what do we have here? Already made friends with the Old Man?" an increasingly annoying voice asked, she did not have to look back to see that it was Iwame's brother.

"Listen here Takuya, I know you think I'm unworthy to even be here but just to feel your presence is grating on my nerves." Setsu said, he chuckled and sat down beside her.

"I love the way your mouth spews such venomous words, little lady. And my name's not Takuya it's Tatsu——-"

Jiiya observed the way the young pair bickered, and a warmth that felt so pleasant spread inside him. "Now, now young Lord. Iwame-sama will throw a fit if she finds out you've been bugging her guest, the Lady does consider the young Miss to be her and I quote 'the bestest friend I'll ever have'." he said.

Setsu gritted her teeth, and stood up. "Are we done? I'm gonna say goodbye to Iwame." she told Jiiya, "hmm? What about me? Are you not gonna say thank you and goodbye to me?" Tatsuya asked while placing his chin on his palm.

"I don't need to express my gratitude to an ass like you, but out of respect for your sister and your adviser..."

She politely folded her hands in front of her and bowed a bit, "thank you, for your hospitality."

"You condescending bastard." she whispered so low that Jiiya would not hear, but Tatsuya heard and laughter spewed out his lips. Jiiya stared at him incredulously and Setsu turned to leave the confused old geezer and a still cackling Tatsuya.

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