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She immediately took off as she saw the guards appear from behind the maid, Setsu took a hard left and flung the first door she could reach open.

Her body froze as she saw that the room was occupied and it looked like they were having a meeting, just when she was about to run away again the woman she saw on the mountain pass got up and walked over to her.

"You're awake! I'm so glad." she smiled and tugged her inside. "W-Wait." Setsu protested and found herself being lead to the dais.

"Big Brother, this is the woman who saved us yesterday." Iwame said as she placed her hand on Setsu's shoulder, Setsu stared at the man and noticed that his eyes were staring down at her coldly.

"Did she now?" he replied mockingly, Setsu's brow twitched and Iwame nodded. "Yes! She jumped from out of nowhere and alerted the men. She was injuried during the skirmish."

Setsu continued staring at the man's face, and she concluded that she did not like this high born bastard. Not one bit, "Do you not find the timing of her saving you a bit suspicious?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Setsu asked, the retainers in the room gasped and whispered amongst themselves.

The man's brows twitched and a smirk Setsu wanted to wipe the floor with quirked his lips, "Am I really to believe that you just saved my little sister purely by accident? That you do not have any other motives?" he asked.

The infuriating smile that stretched his lips fanned the ire and irritation inside Setsu, her fists clenched. "Do I need any other reason? May I remind you if it wasn't for me warning your sister's convoy you'd be mourning right now." she said venomously, the room became deathly silent and the staredown between the man and Setsu sent invisible sparks flying across the room.

"Now! Now! She's right Tatsu-nii. You shouldn't be so mean to the woman who saved me." Iwame said while grabbing Setsu's hand, the two broke eye contact and Tatsu sighed at his sister. "Thank you for saving our lives back there, if it wasn't for your help my men and I would've been in deep trouble." Iwame smiled.

'Ah.' Setsu couldn't help but smile back, in some ways Iwame reminded her of Hinowa. It's been almost a week since she last saw her, and an unguarded smile stretched her lips.

"Yeah, ofcourse." she replied a bit stunned

Tatsuya stared at the two women infront of him, he did not trust this girl one bit. And her lack of respect irritated him, just as he was about to order the guards to drag her away from his sight Iwame intervened and now he was staring at a genuine smile that quirked her lips.

'Let's see how truthful you are, hm. Little lady?' he thought while tapping his nail on his chair.

"You are right, Iwame. And I apologize for my behavior." he said, "now as a reward—-"

"I don't need it, I just want my horse and my belongings back." Setsu said, she placed her hands infront of her and dipped in a deep bow.


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