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Hunger woke Setsu up, she blinked and slowly pushed herself up the bedding she slept on. When she braced her weight on both palms, a sharp sting lanced through her left arm and she hissed in pain.

She gasped when she realized she was wearing a fresh kimono, lifting the sleeve up to assess her wound she was surprised to see that it had been wrapped in clean cloth neatly. She was still confused and scanned the room for her belongings, all she saw were items that were probably more expensive than her life and it made her nervous. Slowly, she stood up and walked towards the door and peeked outside, she guessed it was still around high noon, her stomach felt jumpy and she slipped out the room and closed the door behind her.

The polished wooden floors were cold and she was sneaking around in bare feet, 'I have to find my horse first, but it's too dangerous to be sticking out like a sore thumb in a stranger's house.'

"Miss? Are you awake? I'm coming in." A maid asked as she kneeled infront of the room Setsu was in, when no one answered she considered that their guest was still asleep, sliding the door open to take a peek she gasped when she found that the room was empty.

"Guards!" her panicked scream echoed throughout the hallways.

Meanwhile, in the East wing of the building Setsu wandered around in circles. "Just how big does your house need to be dammit? No one can be this stinkin' rich." she grumbled while cursing how wide the house was, then the smell of food wafted through her nose and her stomach rumbled. Just when she was about to follow the scent, hurried footsteps suddenly had her frozen on the spot and when she looked back a young maid appeared in the corner, sweaty and wide-eyed.

Setsu gulped and took off as guards appeared behind the maid, "MILADY!"

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