Early Morning Banters

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The pleasant smell of breakfast wafted along the rooms of an old, well kept room. Soon hurried footsteps scurried in the hallway and the sliding door opened.

"Good morning, Setsuna. I see you still don't announce yourself when coming in my chambers."

Setsu's brows furrowed deeply, and she walked purposely in the room, holding a tray in her hands.

"Nutrition first, Doc. And take your medicine, another day at work. I have to remind you to take care of yourself too."

A smile quirked his lips and he set his brush down, "very well, stop staring at me like that and sit beside this old man."

The furrow on her brows softened as she watched him eat, she had been eyeing him like a hawk for the past few days, as much as she liked way he worked it was not good for him and his body. Staying up all night to check on those who needed care most and even taking time to sort herbs to grind for certain medicines, she added a little touch of her own in the tea she brewed for him and a small quirk of his lips showed.

"You've been going through my notes I see."

"It's not my fault you always leave them out in the open in your desk, can't have the village Physician become a patient now eh? Who's gonna play doctor now?" Setsu replied in a teasing tone as she blew on a cup she poured for herself.

"Of course it's going to be you, my valued helper. I can rest easy knowing everyone would be in your care." He replied.

The furrow on her brows returned

"Shut it and finish breakfast already, Doc. We have a long busy day ahead of us again."

Hidden MoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang