Chapter 40: Thanksgiving With The Kardashians

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Rob and I walked in his mothers house, walking directly towards the dining room. Daniela followed closely behind me.

I hear laughter, and voices coming from the black and white tiled room. When we entered, it smelled of fresh food and turkey. I spotted that the whole family is here. Kourtney, Scott and her kids, Kim, Kanye and North, Khloé and French Montana, Kendall and Kylie, Bruce and his sons with their wifes, and Kris. They all sat at the large table in the wide room.

In the middle of the table was a huge turkey, decorated with pineapples and ham.

Behind me, Daniela held my hand. I felt her tense at the sight of all of them. Then, all eyes were on us, almost immediately.

"Look who's here!" Khloé sang at the sight of us.

I smile warmly at everyone.

We were greeted with two waiting chairs at the table. One of the producers got Daniela a seat next to me and Kourtney. We sat down, saying our 'hello's'.

"Okay. Now that everyone is finally here. Let's start praying, give thanks then eat." Kris said, quietly. She waited until the everyone was quiet to keep talking. "First off, I want congratulate Robert and Eliany, on their engagement. I am so proud of you two... And especially you, Robert." Kris started crying, while she spoke. "You took care of yourself. Now your healthy, engaged and I... I am so blessed to say, that my family is complete and well. I am thankful for that." She wiped her eyes, smiling while everyone else stayed quiet.

I glance at Rob. He's looking at her, warmly. I know he doesn't like to see his mom cry. I hug him. He is well and healthy. I agree with Kris.

"Eliany, we didn't really trust you, or knew if you could handle our lifestyle, but you did. And we're thankful for that, too." Kim patted my hand from in front of me, where she sat, next to Kris. Kanye sat on the other side.

"Thank you, Kim. Kris, thank you very much for everything." I smile, appreciatively.

"Anything for my son." She looked back at Rob.

"Lets pray." Khloé says loudly.

At that moment, everyone grabs hands. Daniela stiffed when her hand was grabbed by Kourtney.

I bowed my head and began my silent prayer, listening to Kris.

"Dear Lord, we thank you for our blessings. I thank you, once again, for letting me sit down on this table, surrounded by my amazing family and new members. We ask you to bless every family who do not have food to eat on this day. I ask you to watch over my kids and grandchildren. To bless their spouse and their family. To bless this food we are about to eat, for we know it was thanks you, that we have it. Lord, we thank you for everything that we have and we are greatful for what is to come. I ask you to bless my son's and his fiancé's engagement. To bless my daughter's babies. And bless my family as you always, have. In the name of the Father, his Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen." Kris opens her eyes and sighs.

"Amen." Everyone repeated.

Daniela and I do the cross over our body, using our thumb and fingers, kissing the space between the index and thumb, after.

"Lets eat!" Kylie yelled.

I smile at Rob. He was already looking at me. Then leans in for a kiss that was quick but filled with love and need.

"I love you." He says.

I kiss him, again. "Love you too." I grin.


Rob, Khloé, Kendall and I sat outside, after the turkey dinner. Khloé had offer us beer, now we're sitting next to the pool, drinking beer and talking about this past week.

Phew. This past week has been so unexpected and crazy. But it turned out to be one of the best. My engagement ring suddenly weighs a lot heavier than when I don't think about it. Its beautiful, really.

"Do you guys know where you guys want the wedding?" Kendall asks.

Rob and I glance at each other then shake our heads 'no.'.

"Where would you like it to be?"

I shrug, looking at Rob. He does the same but opens his mouth to speak.

"Puerto Rico." He answers.

Hum. It's not a bad idea, actually. It would be great to have my wedding there.

"What do you think, Eli?" Khloé asks.

"I like it. I'd love to get married there." I grin.

"When?" Rob asks.

I gawk at him. You're asking me? Seriously? How would I know?

"I have no idea." I answer.

"8 months?" He suggests.

An unwanted memory comes back in my head. If everything is not okay, then I'd have to wear a super fitting dress with the basketball belly that I might get. 8 months is too convenient for him to offer that.

"Why 8 months?" I ask.

His eyes gleam. "Because I don't want this upcoming year for you to be all, busy busy, with the wedding planning, since... First, it's new years. Second, your birthday. Third, July 4th, our 3 year anniversay, knowing each other and we have to be relaxed and concentrated for that celebration." He winks before continuing. "Fourth, after July 4th, we're going to Bora Bora."

Well shit. He has an amazing calendar in his damn head.

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