Chapter 36 - Sarah & James

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[Keagan's pov]

I'm a bit nervous because I do not know what her reaction will be or how she'll take it, I just hope this makes her happy.

She's so fucking beautiful, when I thought I lost her, my heart was like glass shattering into a million pieces, God this girl is my life and I do not know what I'd do without her.

I was on the verge of killing myself when my saviors arrived and thank goodness for them because I would've killed myself for nothing and missed the chance of being with my mate again.

I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her, showering her with love and gifts, making her happy, having her be the mother of my children, grow old with her, fuck!

I can't wait to make her my wife and Luna, and then bed her. All the naughty things I want to do to her, I want to bite those luscious lips and fondle that beautifully shaped breast of hers, grab her ass and make her mine, mark her as mine and fuck her into the early hours of the morning.

Shit I need to stop this, I'm going to need a cold shower.

I look to her and I cant help but smile, she's my whole world, her smile brings light to my darkness, she makes my heart skip a beat and those god damn electrical sparks I feel everytime I touch her makes me feel more alive than all of my years living.

She senses me staring and turns to look at me catching me watching her, she immediately turns red as a tomato and shy away, smiling that fucking sexy smile.

"You so cute when you blush" I tell her my voice coming out husky, fuck. She visibly shivers and I smirk.

Im glad I have that effect on her. We reach the common room. My mother, Kylie's parents, maleeyah and my bestfriends, Kylie's 'boys' as she calls them and my two saviors are all sitting here waiting on our arrival.

I take a deep breath in and out.

"Baby I want you to meet Sarah and James, these are the two people that saved me" I want to say more but I stop there.

She smiles brightly and immediately leaves my hand, runs up to them and hug them. She thanks them profusely. Sarah starts sobbing holding onto her tightly.

Kylie nervously chuckles and tries to get out of Sarah's grip. Sarah let's go and smiles sadly. She turns to look at me with what I know so well is her 'wtf' look.

That's my woman, always knowing when there's more to a story.

I clear my throat "Kylie, I've come to learn that Sarah and James are your biological parents" I say softly but by the way she freezes, I know she heard me.

[Kylie's pov]

Oh my God, I never thought I'd hear that, hell I didn't even see this coming. I turn to look at my mate and I can tell he is dead serious.

I turn to look at my biological parents and I see the resemblance, I have my fathers eyes, my mothers facial features and I have their black hair, how could I have missed this.

"Kylie" Sarah whispers and I look to her she has tears in her eyes, and I immediately feel the need to comfort her, I go to her and hug her like my life depends on it, and I feel safe.

Not the kinda safe I feel with my mate, but the kind a person would feel in their mothers arms. "We so sorry Kylie, we've missed you so much, we had to make sure it was completely safe before we came back for you but it took longer than we expected, we were on our way back for you when we found the abandoned house.

Your mother could feel the distress of another wolf and immediately went to go open the door but she froze up, eyes glazed, then she hurried inside and stopped your mate from killing himself and when I went to go unchain him my hand touched his and I saw you in his memories and I knew you were my daughter.

I mind linked my wife and she told him that there was still hope, I'm sure he told you the rest" James says looking at me with tears in his eyes.

Before I can say anything, "We never abandoned you, it was safer for you. That night the pack that we were hiding in was attacked we fought as hard as we could but there were just too many rogues, we had to get you out, so we shifted and left with you, but just before we crossed the border into human territory.

A Rouge tried to pounce on me, I didn't see, I was too busy running and trying to be as gentle as I could being in wolf form running with a baby, your father got him and fought him but he got your father good, so when we got into human territory we had to rest.

We hid behind the trees on someone's property but you started crying hysterically, then two people came out, we could see they were afraid of us but they still tried to take you from us.

I growled and shielded you but the woman was relentless, she begged us not to harm the baby, your father mindlinked me, asking me 'you know we have to go on the run, do you want that for Isabella? Let's give her a chance at a normal life while we sort everything out and we'll come back for her' at first I was outraged.

I couldn't leave you with strangers, but looking at how this people were willing to protect you I gave in, knowing your father was right.

Reluctantly we left. As soon as I could, I learned everything about your parents, they were good people, I was at ease and everytime throughout the years as soon as I could I would look into your life, you were happy doing great, but we were still being hunted and I couldn't put you in danger.

The beginning of your high-school year we were captured by the leaders of the people who hunted us, we were locked up for months, finally we took them all out. And then we were on our way to get you thinking you still with your parents, but when we found your mate we now knew it was otherwise.

I'm so happy to see you, to get a chance to know you, and we spoke to your parents already, you have the identity they gave you, we won't want anything to change and we do not want to take their place we just want to be part of your life. If you'll have us?" Sarah ends off in question

Im sobbing by now "Of course, I want nothing more than for you to be part of my life" I say still crying.

James and Sarah let's out a breath of relief. "We are so grateful for taking care of her so well, we could not even begin to express our gratitude, you raised a wonderful woman" James says to my parents, my parents beams at them

"We just so happy, Kylie gets a chance to know you guys" my mama says and papa agrees.

"We are her boys" Jody says chuckling and everyone laughs. "She's like our little sister and we love her, we protect her and when she's happy we happy, so welcome to the family" Kyle continues for Jody making James and Sarah chuckle

"We know all about you boys, I was sure one of you would be close to her mate but turns out all of you are and we are grateful to you too for protecting her" They all bow their head slightly in thanks.

"And we thank you Keagan, for being the best mate to her" Keagan smiles in thanks.

"I'm so happy for this family reunion, but we got someone to hunt down and kill before we can all start living our happily ever after, our best trackers are on him, he is notorious for his schemes so we have to be ready, so we will continue training.

We've come to realize that Victor was the one that was hired to take out the white wolves as well as hunt them. The leaders are dead, James and Sarah took care of that, but Victor is still a threat to my mate and her parents. He needs to be put down.

But before that, the Luna ceremony as well as our wedding will be taking place tomorrow, so with that said on short notice I suggest you all go out and get your outfits.

As of right now everyone go out to the garden" says my mate.

Our wedding ? Tomorrow? He didn't even run it by me. I'm not complaining though, a smile I can not contain breaks out on my face.

Everyone hurries out, "Come on baby, I have something to show you." Keagan whispers into my ear.

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