Chapter 14 - Oh My God

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[Kylie's pov]

Keagan and I decided to take a afternoon walk in the forest, there's just something about the forest that calms me, I just love it out here it's absolutely beautiful.

Keagan keeps hiding and then sneaking up on me and scares the shit out of me.

I kept telling him to stop because I swear he's going to give me a heart attack. Then I decided to play along, and told him that the challenge is for me to try and hear him sneaking up on me and not have a fright when he 'boo's!" me.

He says it's impossible and I'll never get it right so now I'm going to prove him wrong and if I win he's going to have to cook my favorite dish tonight and do the dishes, Yayyy!

This is why I am now currently in the middle of the woods, being quiet as possible and trying my best to hear him sneak up on me for the 100th time.

But like the last 100 times I aint hearing, seeing or sensing shit. And it's so quiet out here I can practically hear my own heart beating.

Im so into focusing and hearing for any slight movent taking place. And then out of no where he jumps in front of me and pulls me in to his chest screaming "boo!" scaring the shit out of me yet once again.

I scream loud in fright and he laughs his ass off, dammit!

One more time, and this time something comes over me and this time my insticts take over, and all of the sudden I can hear and see everything.

I think I'm going crazy because I can even hear and see a spider making it's web, ohhh my what the actual fuck?

Maybe it's just my imagination. Then I hear it! I hear him coming from my right and I see movement behind the bush.

I keep calm and make as if i dont know that he's about to pounce and scare the shit of me, the moment he comes out behind the bush and it's like something took over my body.

I think I done a backflip and the next thing I know I'm behind keagan screaming "boo!" he turns around to face me in inhumane speed.

"How did you just do that?" he asks curiously. I honestly don't a fuck know!

"I dont know" I whisper suddenly feeling nervous "something just took over me and it was like instinct like something controlling my body? " I say questioning my sanity

Keagan was about to speak when his head perks up and pulls me behind me like he's protecting me, he turns to me quickly and motions for me to keep quiet, I nod.

Something just doesn't feel right, it's like I can sense danger but feeling afraid is just not at all what I'm feeling, probably because Keagan is right here with me but the insane part of my brain is telling I don't got shit to be afraid for because I got this I'm badass.

Like honestly this is not the time to be having a mental debate with myself!

Just then a tall man with a crazed look, bloodshot eyes, skinny and looks actually fucking scary steps out from behind some bushes.

It doesn't look like he used a bath in ages, his clothes are ripped and he just doesn't look normal or stable.

He looks towards us and he chuckles uhh okay his emotionless eyes look me up and down and then he licks his lips and I shiver in disgust.

Keagan growls loudly, that can't be normal he sounded like a actual fucking animal. The man snarls and then charges towards us.

Keagan pushes me back I stumble and fall hard on my butt, owww mother fucker! Just then the man jumps and in mid air, his body starts doing some crazy paranormal shit.

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